Wisdom Teachings

Moon Wobble Addendum-August 2003
This email is to confirm the Moon Wobble is entirely in progress! My Wisdom Teaching #39 had a few errors, which is generally what can happen in a moon wobble – even to us astrologers!!! It is so perfect….. Thanks to all who emailed me about the incorrect date and those who informed me about the additional Wisdom Teaching that was accidentally sent out! I always appreciate your feedback!
Yes, Moon Wobble is “Sunday, August 17th,” not Saturday! Also, it was amazing to me last night watching the news after sending the teaching out regarding the massive blackout in the northeast area of the country at 4:11 pm last night. This is the kind of thing that can happen during a moon wobble.
Thank you again! Much love and peace, Amber

Astrological Highlights August 2003
Today’s Wisdom Teaching is a brief outline of the astrological cycles for August. More detailed information on these cycles will come in the subsequent teachings during August. Enjoy!
New Moon/Full Moon Cycle
Monday, July 28th, initiated our New Moon Cycle at 5 degrees of Leo. Monday, August 11th, is our Full Moon at 19 degrees Aquarius. Check your chart or have an astrologer check to see where this cycle will affect you personally. This cycle is always our Plan and Power Cycle. The New Moon is a time to Plan and initiate a new program, idea, or activity. The Full Moon is a Power time and a time for execution or completion of the projects or ideas initiated on the New Moon.
Mars went Retrograde on Tuesday, July 29th, at 10 degrees Pisces. It will be retrograde until September 27th. So that will be two months of Mars being retrograde.

New Moon & Solar Eclipse
Today we will be experiencing a New Moon at 9:20 pm PST at 9 degrees Gemini. We will also be having a Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Gemini.
What is a Solar Eclipse?
A Solar Eclipse is the Moon's total or partial obscuring of the Sun. The Moon will shadow the Sun at 9 degrees Gemini (tropical). If you would like more information on what precisely a Solar Eclipse is in the sky, please go to: www.mreclipse.com/special/SEprimer.html
How will it affect me?
How a Solar Eclipse will affect you "Astrologically speaking" is relative to where it falls in your Natal Chart. If you have your chart handy, put the Sun at 9 degrees Gemini into your chart. You will then have where the effects may be felt for you. If it is in your 2nd house, then it will affect your sense of money, values, and meaning. This is relative to who you "think" you are and what value you place on yourself.
An eclipse of the Sun is one of the many mysterious elements in astrology. Since it is the Sun, it will act as a strong stimulant in unfolding your birth chart. It will do this by bringing intense "Sun" energy to a specific area of your chart.

Jupiter, The Great Wisdom Teacher
Jupiter will go direct Thursday, April 3, 2003, at 7:03 PM PST. JUPITER is the largest of all the planets in our Solar System. It is so large that if you take all of the planets (everything but the Sun) and put them together, they would still not equal the weight of this massive planet.
Clearly, from its enormous size, we can conclude that Jupiter symbolizes abundance and greatness. Furthermore, its massive presence suggests that there are concepts in this universe that are larger than we could ever possibly imagine. Therefore Jupiter has been assigned to the principle of faith. It takes faith, the aligning to something “bigger” than us, to help us overcome life’s many obstacles.
In the book “Mythology” by Edith Hamilton, Jupiter was the chief of the twelve Olympians who made up the divine family.

Full Moon in Virgo March 2003
Many events in Astrology can be tied to the Cycles of the Moon. Our current World Events are no exception. One of the more gentle ways to get through any Full Moon Cycle is to treat yourself with the utmost love and honor. The Moon symbolically represents our deepest heart-felt needs, nourishment, and self-care. Unfortunately, during times of stress, very simple rituals of self-care and love can often be neglected.
We will be experiencing a Full Moon in the sign of Virgo (27 degrees at 2:35 am PST) on Tuesday, March 18th, 2003. Have your chart checked to see where this Full Moon will affect you personally.
This Full Moon in Virgo is a time to get out and find out how you can be of service. There is beauty to service, especially in a time of crisis. It is not a time for drama but rather a time to find "workable" solutions to everyday problems.

Saturn Turns Direct in Gemini
Saturn went direct on Friday, February 21, 2003, at 23 degrees of Gemini.
Saturn is the principle of reality and relates to form, foundation and structure. This includes all structures and foundations, and Saturn refers to firm and tangible things. It is also symbolic of the things that help to “hold us together.” or tend to “support us from below.” Frameworks that hold us together might range from our homes to our jobs and from relationships to beliefs and business. Saturn keeps us aware of that which is real!
Saturn turned retrograde (appearing to move backward) last October 11, 2002, at 30 degrees of Gemini. Saturn is generally retrograde for about four and one-half months. During the time Saturn is retrograde, things may appear stuck or immovable. Retrogrades are a restructuring period that can lead to a focused, concentrated, and complete process. What is a Retrograde?

Astrological Highlights February 2003
Hello everyone! I appreciate your patience with the teachings. The past few months have proven to be busy acquiring my new babies, Dixie and Daisy, female rat terrier puppies! Finally, I am ready for 2003. For those who have inquired about the teachings, thank you. I appreciate your support. They will now resume their presence in your email box. Today's Wisdom is a brief outline of the astrological cycles for February. More detailed information on these cycles will come in the following teachings.
New Moon/Full Moon Cycle
On Saturday, February 1, the New Moon cycle began at 12 degrees Aquarius. Sunday, February 16, is the Full Moon at 27 degrees Leo. Check your chart or have an astrologer check to see where this cycle will affect you personally. This starts the Plan and Power Cycle. The New Moon is the time to Plan and begin projects. The Full Moon is a Power time and time for completion of those projects initiated on the New Moon. More info on the Moon cycle is available at: https://www.amberflynn.com/forecast/wwt1.html

Moon Wobble February 2003
This week we will enter into a cycle called “Moon Wobble.” As the name suggests, it is a cycle of emotional instability and unsteadiness. The wisdom needed for this cycle is consciousness, emotional steadiness, and internal awareness. The possibility of excessive emotionalism, drama, and fear can be very high during this time.
What exactly is a Moon Wobble? Moon Wobbles occur when the transiting Sun makes exact contact with the Lunar (the Moon’s) Nodes. This contact (in astrological terms) is called a conjunction or a square.
How long does it last?

Astrological Highlights November 2002
Today's Wisdom Teaching is a brief outline of the astrological cycles for November 2002. As we approach the fall and winter seasons, our focus naturally shifts to asking more profound questions. In addition, the longer nights encourage us to move into a more internal way of being. As the month progresses, I will write more complete Wisdoms Teachings on some of the below cycles.
Sun Entered Scorpio October 23rd, 2002
On October 23rd, the Sun moved into the sign of Scorpio. It will be in Scorpio until November 21st. When the Sun moves into Scorpio, it is time to investigate life's more profound questions thoroughly. The questions to ask are, "What am I passionate about?" "What resources do I have that I can use to help transform my life?" "What major conflict do I have keeping me from getting what I want out of my life?"

Saturn Retrograde In Gemini
Today’s Wisdom Teaching is on the planet Saturn. Last Friday, October 11, 2002, Saturn went Retrograde in the sign of Gemini. This will be Saturn’s final retrograde in the sign of Gemini.
Saturn stays in each sign for approximately 2 1/2 years. On February 22, 2003, it will go direct and move into the sign Cancer on June 4, 2003. The Wisdom during any retrograde is that it is a time for introspection and reflection.
Saturn is archetypically associated with discipline, patience, responsibility, habits, limitation, and time. In addition, Saturn is associated with the mythology of the God Chronos.

Venus Retrograde In Scorpio
Venus, the goddess of beauty, grace, and eloquence, is the highlight of today's Weekly Wisdom Teaching.
The planet Venus affects and determines our sense of style, art appreciation, love, and culture. It is also associated with our creative ability and how we approach relationships and romance. Venus also aids us in our attitude toward finances and material possessions.
How does it do this?
Venus is associated with the Sun Signs Taurus and Libra. Taurus rules the second House in the astrological chart, which is the House of values, resources, and possessions. Libra is associated with the seventh House, which is the House of our significant interpersonal relationships. Thus Venus affects us both on a concrete (Taurus) and an abstract (Libra) level. So what happens when Venus goes into Retrograde?

Astrological Highlights October 2002
October is a month full of many shifts and changes. It is a good idea to have your chart updated to know where these changes will specifically be occurring for you. Today’s Wisdom is a brief outline of these changes. I will write more complete Wisdom Teachings on some of these cycles as the month progresses.
Autumnal Equinox September 22nd “The beginning of fall.”
Fall is officially here. Last Sunday, September 22nd, the Sun moved into the Astrological sign of Libra, marking the first day of autumn.
Did you know that all of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra & Capricorn) “lead” us into the seasons? The Wisdom for fall is that fall always signifies Change and the time to “begin the descent” into the dark time of the year. It is time to embrace the wisdom of letting go and releasing old worn-out patterns or behaviors. What other cycles are happening….. read more…

Mercury Retrograde In Virgo and Libra
Mercury, our swiftest moving planet, will be in Retrograde tomorrow, Saturday, in the signs of Virgo and Libra. This cycle will last 23 days, September 14th through October 6th. Mercury Retrograde happens about three times a year.
A retrograde planet (viewed from the earth) “appears” to have stopped and is moving backward through the sky. Then, after some time, the planet goes “direct” and resumes its standard cyclic path—every planet retrogrades except the Sun and the Moon.
This cycle is a time in which we need to reflect and reorganize. This cycle affects two specific areas of life for each astrological sign. Two signs are affected because Mercury starts in Libra and then, on October 2nd, moves back into Virgo. Below is a brief explanation of the two areas where reflection, review, and reorganization are indicated. What house will Mercury retrograde in your sign?

The Sun Sign Leo
Hello everyone! It feels great to be back after a trip-back east to visit family. I hope you enjoy today’s wisdom. I am a bit partial to it. I am a Leo, born on August 20. Enjoy!
Today’s Wisdom Teaching is focused on the Astrological Sign Leo. (July 22nd_Aug 23rd). Leo is the sign of the Lion; it is the fifth astrological sign and the Second Fire Sign. Leo’s are optimistic, warm, creative, generous, and self-confident.
Leo’s are the “creative ones” of the zodiac. They are dedicated to uniquely expressing and creating themselves in the world. Royalty and grandeur are also attributes of Leo’s. These qualities can be seen by their need to rule like our great kings and queens. On the other hand, they are very eager to show their love and joy. Much like the innocence and freshness of a child. What are the symbols for Leo?

The Sun Sign Cancer
Today’s Wisdom Teaching is focused on the Astrological Sign Cancer. (June 21st- July 22nd). Cancer is the sign of the Crab. It is the fourth astrological sign and the First Water Sign. The Crab is sensitive, nurturing, protective, vulnerable, and kind. They are the healers of the zodiac. Cancer also has a natural instinct for mothering. No sign feels as much as the Cancer. You will find them moving about the world, fascinated by the array of emotions they can feel.
The symbol for Cancer is two small circles, each attached to a semicircle. One semicircle is turned upward, and the other faces down. The symbol represents two seeds connecting in an effort to create and sustain new life. Cancer, therefore, relates to the vital life force within each of us. It also relates to the strong desire within each of us to survive, maintain and develop security. What are the key phrases for Cancer?

The Planet Saturn & Time
Today’s Wisdom Teaching is focused on the Planet Saturn and the element of time. Time is one of the basic fundamental themes in the art and science of astrology and all of our lives. Understanding time is necessary. The job of building a conscious awareness of the value of time rests upon the shoulders of the planet Saturn.
Where Saturn is placed in your natal chart points you to where you must take the time to develop certain qualities and disciplines so that you may evolve and grow as a soul. Saturn symbolizes the process of responsibility, discipline, patience, and change.
The sign and house position, specific placement in your chart, of Saturn helps to show an individual where he is likely to feel frustrated or meet with difficulties. These obstacles are directly and intrinsically related to where your real growth as a soul will be found. So what does Saturn teach us?

The Sun Sign Gemini
Today's Wisdom Teaching is focused on the Astrological Sign Gemini. (May 20/21-June 21st). Gemini is the sign of the Twins.
It is the third astrological sign and the first air sign in the Zodiac. The twins are social, versatile, curious, dualistic, and inquisitive.
They are also the networkers of the Zodiac, restless and eager to experience life. Gemini is often seen flitting from one place to another but is also quite comfortable sitting and teaching others about his greatest gift, the mind. What is the symbol for Gemini?
The symbol for Gemini is two lines with two semi-circles, one fixed above and the other below the lines. This symbol stands for two pillars. In ancient times the Twins were guardians of all doorways and entrances. The crescent moons above and below the two pillars symbolize the path that Gemini must stay on. They must reach the perfection of joining their lower egocentric desires with their higher and more divine spirit. This results in unifying the adage, "As above, so below. As within, so without."

The Sun Sign Taurus
Today’s Wisdom Teaching is focused on the Astrological Sign Taurus. (Apr 19-May 19th). Taurus is the sign of the Bull. It is the second astrological sign, and the First Earth Sign in the Zodiac. The Bull is solid, tenacious, practical, reserved, and sensitive. They are also highly affectionate and understanding. Taurus can be seen forcefully plowing through the fields of life or lazily laying on a rock, smelling the marvelous fragrance of a new flower.
The symbol for Taurus is a circle with a semi-circle resting on the top. This suggests a full moon with a crescent moon sitting above it. The Moon is the symbol for the Celestial Mother and is symbolic of the principles of growth and fertility. The Moon is comfortable when placed in the sign of Taurus. What are the keywords for Taurus?

The Seven Days of the Week
Greetings! I apologize for my teachings being "missing" from your mailbox in the past two weeks. Unfortunately, my 15-year-old dog, Barney, passed away on April 16th. Barney was a friend, but most of all, a family member. We will miss him.
This week's teaching is on the Seven Days of the Week. The following is a very brief and fun outline of a pervasive topic. The "week" was adopted in Rome about 400 AD, but its origin is ancient.
Each day of the week is associated with one of our seven visible planets in the sky. I have also included some of the related Gods and Goddesses as well. So what does each day of the week relate to?

The Sun Sign Aries
Today’s Wisdom Teaching is focused on the Astrological Sign Aries. (Mar 20th-Apr 20th). Aries is the first Fire sign in the Zodiac. The symbol is the Ram, seen charging ahead into any obstacle in its path. This suggests that he is asserting his or her will toward any activity that requires courage and confidence.
The symbol for Aries is two lines splitting up and out from one line, suggesting outstretched arms as a symbol of the awakening of the forces of our will. This symbol is about new life and reaching into new and exciting experiences in the world and learning how to direct the force and energy of our will. What is the Aries direction?
The keyword that expresses the Aries direction in life is “I AM.” Aries move into life with inexhaustible optimism.