New Moon & Solar Eclipse
New Moon & Solar Eclipse
May 30, 2003
Today we will be experiencing a New Moon at 9:20 pm PST at 9 degrees Gemini. We will also be having a Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Gemini.
What is a Solar Eclipse?
A Solar Eclipse is the Moon's total or partial obscuring of the Sun. The Moon will shadow the Sun at 9 degrees Gemini (tropical). If you would like more information on what precisely a Solar Eclipse is in the sky, please go to:
How will it affect me?
How a Solar Eclipse will affect you "Astrologically speaking" is relative to where it falls in your Natal Chart. If you have your chart handy, put the Sun at 9 degrees Gemini into your chart. You will then have where the effects may be felt for you. If it is in your 2nd house, then it will affect your sense of money, values, and meaning. This is relative to who you "think" you are and what value you place on yourself.
An eclipse of the Sun is one of the many mysterious elements in astrology. Since it is the Sun, it will act as a strong stimulant in unfolding your birth chart. It will do this by bringing intense "Sun" energy to a specific area of your chart.
For those of you that have planets in, or around 9 degrees of Gemini, this Eclipse will help to trigger the energies of those planets. It will also trigger where they are in your chart (which house). If you have mutable planets (Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) around 9 degrees, this Eclipse will also strongly affect those planets since it will make an aspect to them.
What can I do during an Eclipse?
Don't get too impatient during this time. Mainly an eclipse marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. So watch what seems to be coming your way and pay attention to what you need to let go of. Sometimes it can take a few weeks to see what is coming in with the new cycle and what is coming to completion.
"Quote For The Week"
"Some people change
when they see the light
others when they feel
the heat."
~Caroline Schoeder
"Life is a pure flame,
and we live by an invisible
the Sun within us."
~Sir Thomas Browne