California Woman Articles
Formally known as “The Peninsula Woman”
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Cancer; It’s Not Just an Astrological Sign
Their ruling planet is the Moon, which is why they can be so “moody.” The moon “changes” or goes into a new astrological sign every 2-3 days. Every few days, the Cancer person experiences different energy or “need.” (Compare that to a Capricorn whose ruling planet is Saturn and changes signs every 2-½ years!) The results of this type of change for a Cancer individual could perhaps be an unpredictable personality. Still, it is also a very adept person at feeling their emotions. Cancer also is associated with the stomach and the breasts.
The Summer Eclipse! A Great Awakening Cycle
What is an Eclipse?
An eclipse is an astronomical event that occurs when a celestial object or planet moves into the shadow of another celestial object. The word “eclipse” has its origin in the ancient Greek noun ekleipsis, which means, “I cease to exist,” or “I am absent.” This term describes either a Solar Eclipse (when the Moon’s shadow crosses the Earth’s surface) or a Lunar Eclipse (the Moon moves into the shadow of the Earth).
Mercury Slows this May “The Retrograde Cycle!”
Things are not always as they seem; the first appearance deceives many.
-Phaedrus (Roman poet)
One of Astrology's most popular (or well-known) cycles is the Mercury Retrograde cycle. Why is that? Well, probably because it occurs about 3-4 times every year. Also, Mercury is associated with all forms of communication, information, speaking, writing, and travel. These are all essential daily activities that we participate in daily.
Creative “Time”- Saturn in Leo Cycle Ends
Would you consider yourself creative? Do you have a hobby or a creative outlet? How hard do you work at playing?
Currently, we have an Astrological Cycle called Saturn Retrograde occurring. Saturn went into Retrograde last December and will start to move forward on May 2nd, 2008. These next two months are the final release of this cycle that visits us every 28 years.
When the planet Saturn transits any astrological sign, we have a 2-½ year opportunity to get serious about what that astrological sign represents.
New Year New Astrological Cycles - New Beginnings!
Their ruling planet is the Moon, which is why they can be so “moody.” The moon “changes” or goes into a new astrological sign every 2-3 days. Every few days, the Cancer person experiences different energy or “need.” (Compare that to a Capricorn whose ruling planet is Saturn and changes signs every 2-½ years!) The results of this type of change for a Cancer individual could perhaps be an unpredictable personality. Still, it is also a very adept person at feeling their emotions. Cancer also is associated with the stomach and the breasts.
When Is Your Birthday?
"The only reason for Time is so that everything doesn't happen at once."
~Albert Einstein
When getting to know someone, the most frequently asked question is, "When is Your Birthday?" Why is this? Probably because everyone knows birthdays are essential. They are personal, and everyone has one. The stories people will share with you are unique once you know their Birthday!
As I write this month's article, I realize (not for the first time, mind you) that the entire study of Astrology is based on the question, "When is Your Birthday?" So, quite auspiciously, the deadline for this article was August 20th — my Birthday.
What to Do when Preparing to Say…. “I Do”
Eight years ago, I became an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church. After I officiated my first wedding ceremony in May of 2001, I felt it an honor and a privilege to be able to conduct this sacred ceremony.
There are many different aspects of any wedding day. There are undoubtedly many essential things to consider, but in my experience, what seems to be the most crucial aspect varies with every couple. Every wedding I have been to has been different. No wedding day is the same, and there is no such thing as a perfect day. There is YOUR day. YOUR perfect day and your dream about what it can become.
How to Find Contentment in a Discontented World
We live in a time of great change and upheaval. Whether we call it the Age of Enlightenment or the end of the Kali Yuga (the age of darkness), it really doesn’t matter. The truth is that we all feel a deep thrust of discontentment and unrest that exists in this Age of Information and Technology.
Bombarded by advertisements that compel us to grasp for bigger and better things, we are taught to seek gratification for ourselves from external sources with no regard for consequences (such as debt or excess). We are then propelled into an ever-churning cycle that encourages us to create attachments to the things that we somehow believe will make us more comfortable, happy, and less stressed. What many people are finding is the opposite is true. We have more stress and more attachments to the things that are supposed to make us happy, and we are living extremely complicated lives that are in no way helping us find the comfort and contentment we are so desperately seeking.
Relieve Your Stress
We live in a society that is busier than ever. Finding balance in an “overly informed” society can sometimes be tough. Actually, it may even cause more stress. So how can we find a simple way to understand and relieve our stress? Well, let’s look to the moon!
When stressed out “to the max,” each of us will try to find relief in our own unique way. In astrology, the placement of the Moon in your Astrological Chart is one significator of how you can find relief from daily stress in your distinctive and significant way.
Why the Moon? The nature of the Moon is that it holds a more unconscious signature or perspective. Which means you will need to look more deeply. The moon is connected to what your inner needs and desires are. The Moon symbolizes the unconscious, your instincts, and what you will personally need to feel nurtured in your life. When we get what we need, it helps us to relieve our stress.
Here is a brief description suggesting what each moon sign position will need to help alleviate stress for you.
Moon in Aries: Relief is easy for the Aries Moon – you need action and independence. Run, exercise, punch a bag, start a business. Just don’t sit still. In a crisis, doing anything is better than doing nothing.
Time to Remember… Not to Forget
And forget not
that the earth delights
to feel your bare feet
and the winds
long to play with
your hair
~Kahil Gibran
The end of the year and the beginning of the New Year are held in high regard in this country. Why is that? The New Year is symbolically a time where we stand (if you will) between two different worlds of time, the Past and the Future.
This year we will look back into 2006, and all of the things we have accomplished (or not accomplished) and look forward to 2007 with new ideas about what should be done, what needs to be done, and what we hope will happen. The New Year is a power-point in our consciousness. All of our hopes and dreams are revisited, and it is hard not to get entranced by this phenomenon. But what is truly important?
What can we also embrace during this transitional time?
How You Can Change Your Bad Habits!
The thought manifests as word; The word manifests as deed,
The deed develops into habit, And habit hardens into character.
So watch the thought and its ways with care, And let it spring from love
Born out of concern for all beings.
Just what makes a bad habit? Isn't it usually something that starts out helping you in some way? And then, after some time, you notice it isn't supporting any longer? So how to change a Habit?
The Wisdom of Obstacles
I remember pouting when I did not get my way when I was a young girl. I wanted so much out of life, and when I didn’t get what I wanted right away, I recall pushing my lower lip out, crossing my arms, and sulking. It was not easy hearing the word — No! Well, as a result, I have learned how vital obstacles are.
What is an Obstacle, and why do we need them?
An obstacle is something that obstructs or hinders any anticipated progress. An obstacle is a situation that needs to be overcome, and we are a society that supports and rewards achievement and success. To feel that we have achieved, we must have an obstacle to overcome. Overcoming an obstacle builds character and integrity, essential qualities in being an adult.
Who’s Your Daddy?
Perhaps one of the single most influential people in our lives is our father. Whether he is the best dad in the world, a great father, or completely absent, the effect our father's presence (or lack of presence) had on us is instrumental to our development.
Many of my clients reveal to me the intense frustration they had with their fathers. The fact is, unfortunately, that not all fathers are there for their children. What can we do about this? Is there a solution to "Who's your Daddy?"
The Upside of Irritation
Life is full of situations, events, and people that can be not only frustrating but also downright irritating. It is easy to understand why so many people are available to help us with conflict resolution. But what can we do to solve these issues from a more conscious perspective? How can we handle these difficult situations utilizing spiritual tools?
There are plenty of stories about spiritual teachers embracing the presence of an annoying student in their classrooms. Even one story goes so far as to suggest that a teacher had paid an irritating person to study among his students. Generally, most people would like to avoid situations that cause them discomfort. But unfortunately, in many spiritual communities, this is not so.
Happy Chinese New Year – The Year of the Dog
“A boy can learn a lot from dog: obedience, loyalty and the importance of turning around three times before lying down.”
~Robert Benchley
January 29, 2006 – February 17, 2007, we celebrate an animal associated with the Chinese Astrological calendar each year. This calendar originated in 2637 B.C. by Emperor Huang Ti. The ancient legend states that Lord Buddha summoned all the animals to bid him farewell before leaving the earth. Twelve animals showed up, and he named a year for each animal in the order of its arrival. First came the Rat, then the Ox, the Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and finally the Boar. The animal ruling the year that you were born is said to influence your life. This year is the year of the Dog!.
How to Create Productive Change in The New Year
Every year we celebrate a day with many hopes and dreams.
Today we ask ourselves what we can do to change so we can live better lives. Usually, it involves losing weight, quitting smoking or drinking, or being nicer to family, friends, and even our boss. It is a day of reflection, redemption, atonement, admission, and resolve. Somehow we came to the agreement that on January 1st, we can say a prayer or make a resolution, and it shall be done. This day makes us feel good. This day helps us to believe that all of our bad deeds will be forsaken, forgiven, and changed. We can change. This day promises renewed commitment to become better and do better. Why do we need days like this?
A Simply Spiritual Holiday
I was having coffee the other day with a girlfriend, and she asked if I was getting ready for the holidays. I looked at her and sighed. My reply was hesitant. I have learned to be neutral about this time of the year. We continued to talk about the highs and lows that come with the holidays.
We both agreed on the notable increase in activity versus the lack of time. However, I told her I wished that Thanksgiving had come earlier. Then there would be more time to prepare for Christmas.
There are precisely 39 days from Thanksgiving to the New Year. During that short time, we must think about all sorts of things. Christmas cards, Presents, parties, gatherings, and all the telephone calls we must make during that small amount of time. (Of course, if you have children, there are even more parties and events.) It is incredible how much we must do. If the entire year were like those 39 days, we would be exhausted!!! It is impossible to get everything done. But we try.
How to Get What you Really Need!
We all have needs. From the moment we are born into this world, we need love, guidance, and attention. As children, we rely solely on others to help us learn about, understand, and fulfill our needs. Depending on your early childhood environment, your needs were either 1) attended to and fulfilled, 2) fulfilled somewhat, or 3) your needs were not fulfilled at all. Your childhood experiences provided a foundation for how you learned to negotiate, accept and finally receive what you needed.
If you were raised in a household where you learned how to identify, negotiate and accept your needs with others, this would have helped you get what you need later in life. On the other hand, if you were raised in a household where you did not learn to identify your needs, you might have learned: "I don't have needs," or "why even ask, my needs will never be met." These are two extreme experiences, and your experience may lie somewhere in between these.
Lonely Versus Alone
Life holds many obstacles. The two most significant obstacles that seem to develop as a woman becomes older are the fear of losing her beauty and being alone. Lately, I have experienced these issues with many of my older female clients.
Quite frankly, it is disheartening for me to hear that a woman is afraid of losing her beauty. But it is tough to hear that she cannot be alone. But the hardest thing to hear from her is her possible loss of beauty. And her fear of being alone; she stays in a relationship that no longer serves her solely because of the fear of being alone. She reiterates that it is because she is losing her beauty, and "what man would want to be with her now?" Honestly, I want to scream.
Honestly, I hear her plea. But actually, what I know to be true is that deep down inside her, what is essential to address and her most significant and deepest fear is being alone.
Don’t Shoot the Moon
As infants, we learn how to get our needs met to survive in life. Later as children, we begin to formulate ideas, concepts, and feelings about how that will happen in other ways. Finally, as adolescents, we try to discern how we will get our deeper needs met as we pull away from our parents.
As children, our constant and daily interaction with others helps us understand what we may need as adults to survive. Consequently, those early experiences cannot be expected to help us meet our needs. So invariably, many individuals complain that they did not get their needs met as children. That can be very frustrating, but there is a simple way to figure out what we really need. This is when I found Astrology incredibly helpful.
I knew I was a Leo when I studied astrology 25 years ago. What I didn’t realize was that there were other planets in other signs in my astrological chart that were also really important. I found through my studies that the Moon’s placement can help you understand your essential and reigning needs!