A Simply Spiritual Holiday
The ordinary arts we practice
every day at home are of more importance
to the soul than their simplicity might suggest.
~Thomas More
I was having coffee the other day with a girlfriend, and she asked if I was getting ready for the holidays. I looked at her and sighed. My reply was hesitant. I have learned to be neutral about this time of the year. We continued to talk about the highs and lows that come with the holidays.
We both agreed on the notable increase in activity versus the lack of time. However, I told her I wished that Thanksgiving had come earlier. Then there would be more time to prepare for Christmas.
There are precisely 39 days from Thanksgiving to the New Year. During that short time, we must think about all sorts of things. Christmas cards, Presents, parties, gatherings, and all the telephone calls we must make during that small amount of time. (Of course, if you have children, there are even more parties and events.) It is incredible how much we must do. If the entire year were like those 39 days, we would be exhausted!!! It is impossible to get everything done. But we try.
As the holidays approach, we become increasingly aware of our relationship with "TIME." There are no other periods during the year when we realize our lack of control on time. Let's face it. You have no control over time. From your first breath, you were connected to the universe through the trappings of time.
During the holidays, it doesn't help that there is tremendous pressure from the media to make sure that you not only buy the latest and the most fabulous presents but also catch the fantastic deals and buy the right presents. Nobody is immune from advertising. This is the most significant time of the year for retail companies, and this is they can play off all your guilt and put pressure on you to "get in the spirit."
Your Health
The most neglected area during these 39 days is your health and well-being. Eating the right foods, exercising, and getting plenty of sleep are forgotten. There isn't any time for that. It isn't until January 2nd, when we get back on the scale or into our exercise program, that we feel the toll of those 39 days. We vow and pledge to get back on our programs and drop the 10 pounds that snuck up on us during the holidays. But it doesn't happen. Those 39 days have beat us. The pressure got us, and we succumbed. Now we must pay the price of this pressure.
What to do?
It isn't possible to avoid these events, but what we can bring is the consciousness of time and do some simple things that will help you to stay relaxed, grounded, and focused. These 39 days are such a small portion of the year, yet they account for the most significant potential loss in our health and bank accounts. It might even seem impossible to stay on your diet or keep your exercise program alive during this time. So what can you do to survive the holidays?
Five Simple Things
My friend asked me what I do to keep focused during the Holidays. I told her I have five specific things that help keep me internalized and grounded in my body. These things do not have to do with dieting or exercise; when I do these things, I find that I don't have to stay as focused on dieting or eating differently but that they help me keep centered on myself and help me to maintain a strong Spiritual connection during these times.
1) Light a Candle
This is the simplest way to stay in touch with myself. Lighting a candle daily is a simple spiritual act that helps me keep in touch and focus on my spiritual energy. So every morning before I sit at my desk, I stand at my altar, say a small prayer, and light a candle.
2) Journal
I know, I know! Everyone suggests this, and I include it because – IT Works!! There is no other single and simple way to get in touch with yourself and find out how you are feeling every day. It is an ancient way to understand yourself. Just try it for a few days. You may like it.
3) Weekly Massage
This is necessary. A massage helps me get in touch with my body and feelings. This weekly experience enables me to nurture myself in a way that allows my body and mind to relax.
4) Coffee or Tea Break with a Friend
Since I work at home, this particular one is essential and gives me a place and person to bounce my ideas from and feel connected with others. It also helps to listen to others and know that you aren't the only one with issues that need attention. There is nothing like a friend to ground you.
5) Walking
Something ancient and straightforward connects us to our bodies when we walk. Something in us knows that our ancestors connected to their souls through walking. Even if it is a short walk around the block, this simple act keeps us connected to our bodies in an effortless, primal way.
Please keep safe and grounded during the holidays. Be aware of your limited time and take good care of yourself. It can be a simple connection to yourself. Simplicity is a gift when practiced. If you have any other things you do to get through the holidays you would like to share with me, please email me your ideas. I would love to hear them.
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