Wisdom Teachings
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Leo
As many of you already know, we are having a Solar Eclipse TODAY which will be visible from 9 am until 1 pm from coast to coast in the USA…. something that doesn’t happen very often!
The Wisdom Of the Full Moon
As I have written in many of my teachings, Full Moon Cycles are Power cycles! Whatever you have focused on these past two weeks is coming to fruition. It is time to feel the “fullness” of what you have been doing!
The Wisdom Of Obstacles
What is an Obstacle, and why do we need them?
An obstacle is something that obstructs or hinders any anticipated progress. An obstacle is a perception that something must be overcome and moved through.
How can I overcome my obstacles?
Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius
This Eclipse will activate you if you have planets in Aquarius or Leo. Aquarius is associated with humanity, brotherhood, friendship, rebellion, freedom, unconventionality, and vision. Leo is the sign of generosity, leadership, creativity, drama, play, enthusiasm, love, and loyalty.
Mercury Retrograde In Gemini
Mercury is the planet associated with all types of communication, networking, thinking, and socializing. However, it is primarily associated with the mind and everyday mental activity and the more subtle movements within our thoughts as they arise from our feelings.
Full Moon in Libra
Full Moon Cycles are "power times." They can be highly charged emotional times. They produce a higher state of tension, release, and excitement in humans, animals, and plants. Therefore, on a Full Moon, one's judgment may be colored by these feelings; knowledge we can use to our advantage if we know the sign of the Full Moon.
The Full Moon is in the Astrological sign of Libra today. Libra archetypically represents the Lover, the Artist, the Diplomat, and the Peacemaker. Librans have an inner longing for expressing the self through balance and peace. They strive for the highest positive experiences through relationships and teamwork. Below is a brief explanation of how this cycle will affect each sign. Remember, this is your Sun sign only. Depending on your chart, this Full Moon will also be affecting another area of your chart. Where would that be?
New Moon In Cancer
This cycle occurs when the Sun and the Moon are (both) in the same Astrological Sign. The Sun and the Moon are in the Astrological sign of Cancer, and the Full Moon will be in the opposite sign of Capricorn. The Full Moon will be on Friday, July 31. When the Sun is in Cancer, and the Moon is in Capricorn (its opposite sign), we have a Full Moon.
Mars Retrograde In Virgo
Mars is our planet of power, strength, courage, and aggression. Mars measures our ability to project force, passion, and personal will into our lives. A strong Mars is necessary to give us the independence, self-confidence, and motivation to carry out our unique ideas into the world. On the other hand, however, Mars can bring out aggression, competition, arguments, and conflict on the opposing side. On this note, Mars has been known as the God of War.
What Is Astrology?
Astrology has its origins in (get ready for this) Mesopotamia, Babylonia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Arabia, and Europe. Which ultimately all leads back to the country of India. There are two types of studies of Astrology. Western and Vedic. Western astrology is most prevalent in all Western countries. It is also said to have been founded by Ptolemy, the great mathematician, and astrologer.
Eclipses in Cancer & Capricorn
What is an Eclipse?
An eclipse is an astronomical event that occurs when a planet or a celestial object moves into the shadow of another celestial object. The word “eclipse” has its origin in the ancient Greek word ekleipsis, which means, “I cease to exist,” or “I am absent.” This term is used to describe either a Solar Eclipse (when the Moon’s shadow crosses the Earth’s surface) or a Lunar Eclipse, (the Moon moves into the shadow of the Earth).
Mercury Retrograde In Gemini
Our fastest moving planet, Mercury, is going Retrograde Wednesday, May 6th, in the sign of Gemini until May 30th, 2009. Mercury is our planet associated with communication, everyday mental activity, and movement. Mercury goes into Retrograde about three times a year. It will also move back into the sign of Taurus on May 13th, giving us two planetary energies to experience.
What Dasa Cycle are You in?
Today’s Wisdom Teaching is on the dasa system. It is one of the most important tools in Vedic Astrology. A dasa is a planetary period of time and will show you how your karma unfolds in your life. There are many dasa systems but the most prominent is the Vimshottari Dasha system, (Vimshottari means 120 in Sanskrit). It uses 120 years as the length of your life cycle. Each planet unfolds for a certain number of years before giving way to another.
Which Planet Cycle do I start my life with?
The start of your first planetary dasa is determined by the unique placement of your Moon at birth. The dasa’s unfold in the order of the list below. See if you can determine which dasa YOU are in right now by reading the brief descriptions of the cycles listed below.
The Four Aims of Life
Today's Wisdom Teaching is about the "Purusarthas" or the "Four Aims of Life" found in Vedic Astrology. Purusha means "human being," and Artha means "goal or objective." The concept of Purusarthas is that a successful human life achieves a specific objective, as revealed in the Astrological Chart.
Every person's chart has 12 individual sections, which are called Bhavas or Houses. Each of these sections correlates to a particular aim in Life. Therefore, knowing what the Four Aims in Life are and then connecting them to your Astrological Chart will help you to understand where your most significant challenge at any point in time will lie.
How to Understand An Eclipse Cycle
What is an Eclipse?
Every year we experience two kinds of eclipses: an eclipse of the Moon and an eclipse of the Sun. Eclipse comes from the Greek word – ekleipo – which means "I cease to exist."
A Solar Eclipse is when the Moon is positioned between the Sun and Earth. As a result, the Sun is hidden from our view. And then, as the Moon casts its shadow over the Earth's surface. A Lunar Eclipse is when the Earth is positioned between the Sun and the Moon. Thereby, the Earth casts its shadow on the Moon as the Moon is blocked from the light of the Sun.
What happens during an Eclipse Cycle?
Moon Wobble July 2005
We entered a cycle called “Moon Wobble” on July 1st, 2005. As the name suggests, it is a cycle of emotional instability and unsteadiness. The wisdom needed for this cycle is consciousness, emotional steadiness, and internal awareness. The possibility of excessive emotionalism, drama, and fear can be very high during this time.
What exactly is a Moon Wobble?
Moon Wobbles occur when the transiting Sun makes an exact contact with the Lunar (the Moon’s) Nodes. This contact (in astrological terms) is called a conjunction or a square.
How long does it last? The exact date of this Moon Wobble will occur on July 10th, 2:25 AM PST, and the center will be at 18 degrees Cancer. Usually, the awareness of the cycle starts about ten days before the exact configuration and then continues for ten days after. Thus, the cycle began on July 1st and will be completed by July 4th. We have about 4-5 Moon Wobbles per year.
What can I do?
The Moon & Pluto
The New and Full Moon
May starts with a New Moon! This past Sunday, May 8th, was a New Moon in Taurus. New Moons are beginning cycles. It is time to take advantage of this cycle and begin something! Taurus is a fixed earth sign linked strongly to the planet Venus. Venus is associated with love and relationships. I suggest starting with something solid, practical, and authentic in your relationship with yourself and others! Some examples might include: talking with your loved ones about your values, negotiating real down-to-earth things, taking care of yourself by eating well, going for a long walk, or treating yourself to a nurturing massage!
Pluto Retrograde
The Full Moon will take place on Monday, May 23rd, 2005. Full Moon Cycles represent the completion of the cycle started on the New Moon. This will be time to evaluate what happened during the cycle and how well your New Moon plans followed through.
Cycle Changes March 2005
Hello Everyone! Today's Wisdom Teaching includes all of the many cycle changes that have happened in this past week.
Saturday, March 19 – Tuesday, April 12
Mercury Goes Retrograde 14 degrees Aries backward to 2 degrees Aries
Anytime Mercury goes Retrograde, think, "It is time to reorganize!" I know… I know…..nobody wants to redo or rethink anything! Or for that matter, ever go back over something that has felt complete. But, these three weeks are about recognizing something that might need revisited.
Depending on where Mercury is transiting in your natal horoscope, this could be anywhere from home, health, career, or even relationship. Because Mercury has to do with the mind and communication, this could include breakdowns or adjustments with communication devices such as computers, telephones, or any machine (cars included). The breakdowns can also be unexpected. Mercury doesn't make these things happen, it is just associated with communication, and when it goes retrograde, we need to "recommunicate." Let's face it; life is sometimes about "going back over" something. That is what these three weeks are focused on. So, keep "open-minded" whenever Mercury goes Retrograde!!!!
Current Cycles - January 2004
(Note: New Teaching Format! Click on any web addresses at the end of the paragraph below. My website is where you will receive a more in-depth article on each teaching or update.)
"Weekly" Wisdom Teachings Change! Now it is: "Wisdom Teaching."
Thank you for being so patient in receiving the teachings. I have changed the format of the teachings. The new name for the teachings is now "Wisdom Teachings." The teachings will directly be sent out in a timely manner rather than weekly. Click here for more information on the new format: https://www.amberflynn.com/wisdom_teachingnewformat.htm. The last teaching was sent out in September. If you have missed any of my teachings, you can find them on my website on the archives page at: https://www.amberflynn.com/timely_wisdom-archives.htm
Mercury Retrograde In Virgo
Today’s Wisdom teaching is on the Mercury Retrograde Cycle. Mercury has been retrograde since August 28th. Mercury is the planet associated with the mind, communication, and intellect. Mercury’s placement in an astrological chart helps us understand how a person thinks, perceives, and communicates. A Mercury Retrograde cycle calls us to “rethink and “re-perceive,” or “re-communicate.” It is that simple.
Mercury is in the sign of Virgo. Critical concepts for Virgo are service, work, and perfection. Virgo’s here to understand the principle of service and the ideal work situation. Virgo is an earth sign. Earth signs focus on things that are practical, real, and solid. A truly balanced Virgo can lead us to embrace the concept of efficiency and the realistic assessment of any environment. What is needed now?
Moon Wobble August 2003
Okay, friends, we are entering into a Moon Wobble this weekend.
As the name implies, it is a cycle of emotional instability and chaos. The wisdom needed during Moon Wobble is to stay conscious!! Focus on your ability to find where the real internal fear is generated. The possibility of excessive drama and anxiety can be high during this time.
The exact date for the Moon Wobble is Sunday, August 17th, at 11:00 pm (PDT). To see the chart for this Moon Wobble, click here: https://www.amberflynn.com/moonwobble8/03.htm This page will show you the detailed chart for the Moon Wobble. The chart is set up for California or Pacific Daylight Time. Please add or subtract according to your time zone.