New Moon In Cancer
This cycle occurs when the Sun and the Moon are (both) in the same Astrological Sign. The Sun and the Moon are in the Astrological sign of Cancer, and the Full Moon will be in the opposite sign of Capricorn. The Full Moon will be on Friday, July 31. When the Sun is in Cancer, and the Moon is in Capricorn (its opposite sign), we have a Full Moon.
A New Moon always begins with both the Sun and the Moon in the same sign. A Full Moon Cycle happens when the Moon is in the opposite sign of the Sun.
What is a New Moon?
Every month we get the opportunity to feel the cycle of the Moon. The New Moon starts the process. The best way to work with the Moon's cycle is to initiate projects on the New Moon and finish projects on the Full Moon.
New Moon = Start. Full Moon = Finish. That translates to: Start on July 15. and finish on July 31. It is that easy. And there is a New Moon Cycle every month.
The Moon governs the more profound emotional sense of our mind and our perceptions. This New Moon Cycle is in the sign of Cancer, and this relates to; receptivity, nurturing, feelings, sensitivity, and mothering energy.
Cancer energy is nurturing, feeling, and receptive to what is needed and what emotions can and will be expressed. This energy will help you to reflect on what is coming from your mind. Cancer's are sensitive, emotional and empathic beings who help us navigate what we need in life. It is through our ability to "feel" that we can heal.
This current isn't a cycle about hoping others will tell you what you need. This cycle is about asking yourself what you need and moving forward with what you need from the inside–out. BE HONEST!! It is a powerful time of nurturing and being emotionally honest. It also reflects how you feel and makes boundaries with others about your sensitivity to your own needs. Are you capable of being honest with how you feel?
Where will the New Moon/Full Moon Cycle be happening for me?
The New Moon Cycle will be activating one of the 12 houses of your astrological chart. So, by looking at your chart, we can tell what area of your life you will be experiencing this New Moon/Full Moon Cycle.
Here is a brief description of what each of the houses represents. If you know your rising sign, I have put that sign in bold letters under each area to help you locate the houses where the New Moon cycle is. If you are using your Western chart, the ascendant is listed; first, your Vedic chart ascendant is listed second.
1st House: This is the house of the Self. This house represents your physical body, traits, and characteristics. This New Moon Cycle is about internalizing what you need for yourself. Start planning an activity that focuses on doing what you need or experience. Your Dharma or purpose of what type of nurturing you need right now. You have a purpose for your feelings. Find out what that is by going into your feelings. What do you feel? What purpose do your emotions have?
Cancer ascendant on your Western Chart
Gemini ascendant on your Vedic Chart
2nd house: The second house is about your self-worth, income, and looking at what you have or the gifts you uniquely possess. It is now time to value how you feel! Be the leader in what you find essential regarding your finances. What belongs only and specifically to you, and what do you need to do with your money? If you need something, buy it! Be mindful and decisive about how you value your resources and take Joy in managing your money. Buy something YOU Love and be honest about what you need.
Gemini ascendant on your Western Chart
Taurus ascendant on your Vedic Chart
3rd house: This house is about communication and education. What do you want to say? Write it down. It is now time to communicate and express what you feel. What do you need to say about how you feel in your life? What do you want to say that will bring you closer to how you feel? Be generous with your words, but be sensitive. Words can be nurturing to yourself.
Taurus ascendant on your Western Chart
Aries ascendant on your Vedic Chart
4th house: This is your home, and your inner foundation, your spirituality. Loving your home may be the best place for you to be right now. Be mindful of what your home expresses to you about who you feel you are on the inside. Reflect on what you feel and find ways to convey what you want from the deepest part of who you are and your feelings. Love your feelings. They tell you who you are. Follow your intuition!
Aries ascendant on your Western Chart
Pisces Ascendant on your Vedic Chart
5th house: This is the house of creative expression, children, enjoyment, and play. What does the inner child within yourself need and reflect you? Ask yourself how you can express more sensitive and emotional mindfulness to nurturing the child within you. What is nurturing to you? Find a way to be exposed to the needs of your creative Self and find what immense joy your feelings brings to you.
Pisces ascendant on your Western Chart
Aquarius ascendant on your Vedic Chart
6th house: This is the house of health, service, jobs, and employment. What do you want to do differently with your work? Perhaps you want to be more reflective and sensitive about what genuine service means to you and how you can be more sensitive at your job. What kind of work environment do you need? Do you need to nurture your body more? Are you exercising because someone told you that it was what you needed?
Aquarius ascendant on your Western Chart
Capricorn ascendant on your Vedic Chart
7th house: Partnership and relationships are associated with this house. It is now time to visualize what you need with your partner. Does your partnership reflect you well? Can you give to them lovingly without neediness? If you are not in a solid and loving relationship, perhaps it's time to be in a relationship that fulfills your emotional needs. Be reflective about working to find that person who will make your life filled with balance and equality.
Capricorn ascendant on your Western Chart
Sagittarius ascendant on your Vedic Chart
8th house: This has to do with other people's resources, death, taxes, and more profound psychological development. With the New Moon Cycle here, it is time to work deeply with emotional boundaries. Be more reflective about your psychological Self. Bring sensitivity and reflection to what you deeply think about your life and let go of what you don't need. Tell yourself the truth about life and death. Be internalized about the reality that you will live, and begin to feel nurtured by life!
Sagittarius ascendant on your Western Chart
Scorpio ascendant on your Vedic Chart
9th house: This is the place for higher knowledge, travel, education, and expansion through experiencing and understanding philosophy. The New Moon Cycle may help you to look at where you want to travel or what you need to learn in your life. Is there somewhere you are passionate about traveling? Maybe it's time to teach others what you feel passionate about? What do you want from seeking higher knowledge? What would you love to learn?
Scorpio ascendant on your Western Chart
Libra ascendant on your Vedic Chart
10th house: Career, social status, authority are all the realms of this house. The New Moon Cycle will help you look at what you want to achieve that will help you reflect your Success in the world. Are you being sensitive in your idea of Success? Become more mindful about what real Success means for YOU. What DOES Success mean to you? What do you need from your Career?? Do you your leadership abilities? Can you be more sensitive about your Career?
Libra ascendant on your Western Chart
Virgo ascendant on your Vedic Chart
11th house: Hopes, wishes, and dreams are a part of this house, as well as establishing and maintaining great friendships and associations in your community. The New Moon Cycle here may help you think about the time you spend with friends and perhaps become more reflective about who your friends are. What do you need from your friends? How do you nurture your friends? Be generous and loving with them and encourage them.
Virgo ascendant on your Western Chart
Leo ascendant on your Vedic Chart
12th house: This house is about rest, relaxation, and changing your perception about healing yourself through rest and retreat. What kinds of healing modalities do you feel would show that you are nurturing right now? Do you want to exercise more or sleep more? Are you spending time by yourself to rejuvenate and heal, and are you sensitive about getting more rest in your life? Sleep is a great way to love yourself and reflect deeply!
Leo ascendant on your Western Chart
Pisces Ascendant on your Vedic Chart
There may be some slight changes on the above, depending on the degree of your rising sign. Let me know about your New Moon/Full Moon cycle experiences. I love getting emails from you. I was hoping you could share your stories about what you have felt during this cycle and how you have gotten your needs met.
I look forward to helping you with all of your Counseling and Astrological needs. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call or email me. I hope this has been helpful.
With love and peace always,
When I run after what
I think I want,
My days are a furnace
of stress and anxiety;
If I sit in my own place
of patience,
what I need
flows to me
without pain.
~ Rumi