Full Moon in Libra
Full Moon Cycles are "power times." They can be highly charged emotional times. They produce a higher state of tension, release, and excitement in humans, animals, and plants. Therefore, on a Full Moon, one's judgment may be colored by these feelings; knowledge we can use to our advantage if we know the sign of the Full Moon.
The Full Moon is in the Astrological sign of Libra today. Libra archetypically represents the Lover, the Artist, the Diplomat, and the Peacemaker. Librans have an inner longing for expressing the self through balance and peace. They strive for the highest positive experiences through relationships and teamwork. Below is a brief explanation of how this cycle will affect each sign. Remember, this is your Sun sign only. Depending on your chart, this Full Moon will also be affecting another area of your chart. Where would that be?
Aries: Balance in relationships is the focus. This full moon affects your 7th House of teamwork, balance, and fair play.
Taurus: Work, health, service, and rest are the focus of this cycle. This full moon affects your 6th House of Service and skills.
Gemini: The balance needed is in play, fun, and children. This full moon affects your 5th House of Creative Self expression.
Cancer: The theme is peace at home and balance between career and family. This full moon affects your 4th House of home, roots, and family.
Leo: Balanced communication and expression of ideas are needed at this time. This full moon affects your 3rd House of networking, writing, and mental focus.
Virgo: Money and the balance of your gifts versus others' gifts is needed now. This full moon affects your 2nd House of self-esteem, confidence, and possessions.
Libra: Sensitivity and balance through your instincts are essential now. This full moon affects your 1st House of clarity and decisiveness in your actions.
Scorpio: Clear out the clutter and let go of attachments. This full moon affects your 12th House of consciousness and self-transcendence.
Sagittarius: Take a good look at your life direction. This full moon affects your 11th House of plans, goals, life themes, and friendships.
Capricorn: Position and reputation in society versus home and family is the theme during this time. This full moon affects your 10th House of career and destiny.
Aquarius: The theme is a balance of philosophy, truth, and belief systems. This full moon affects your 9th House of spirituality, meaning, and higher purpose.
Pisces: Peace and balance are needed through psychology and recognizing other people's resources. This full moon affects your 8th House of death and the immortality of your consciousness.
If you know your rising sign, you can read that Astrological sign too. For example, read both Pisces and Taurus if you are a Pisces with a Taurus rising.
"Quote For The Week"
Dancin' in the moonlight
everybody feelin' warm and right
it's such a fine and natural sight
everybody's dancin in the moonlight
-King Harvest, "Dancin' in the Moonlight"