The Artist in Astrology
This article appeared in Vision Magazine in December 2004
I am thoroughly intrigued by the human triumphs that come through the artistic process. Many artists have disclosed to me that the feelings experienced in this process are much like two lovers embracing. They crave the moment in their process in which they “are no longer present” and the divine begins to flow through them. The incredible union between the artist and their work is spiritual, mystical and oftentimes magical.
So what does someone do when they feel their artistic creativity begin to emerge? Who do they go to? How do they channel it?

The Dark Side of Women
“This thing of darkness, I acknowledge mine.”
~ William Shakespeare
Every woman has a story of the “Dark Side.” Sit down with a woman long enough to let her polite, guarded side down and she will share this burden with you. Persuade her to go into detail and you will soon find yourself revealing your own personal dark side experience.
The Dark Side story is an often unpleasant, but powerful tale that can be found in anyone’s life. It is a forbidden account of an action, thought, idea or feeling believed to be unacceptable in our society. Sharing this story can create a deep vulnerability within each of us. At first, the vulnerable feelings become associated with intense feelings of separation. But ultimately, the dark side story when shared will help you connect with your personal Spiritual journey.

The Cosmic Roots of Sin and Virtue
The Cosmic Roots of Sin and Virtue
True, without falsehood, certain and most true, that which is above is as that which is below, and that which is below is as that which is above, for the performance of the miracles of the One Thing…
~The Emerald Tablet of Hermes
”Sin” originates from the Greek word hamartia, which means — “missing the mark,” “not on target,” or “mistake.” The Greek philosopher Aristotle translated hamartia as the “tragic flaw” or “frailty” that is present in the hero’s journey of the Greek tragedies. The “mistake of the hero” is integral in the plot of every tragedy.

Archetypes and Magical Reality
This article appeared in Vision Magazine April 2004
Magical Realism is the blending of the most fundamental archetypal energies found in the child and the adult. Children crave magic and adults need realism. The connection of these two archetypes and the connection between magic and realism is obvious when we feel it. It is also reflected in your astrological chart.
Most of us love to watch magicians. For a moment (albeit brief) we are transported to a world where anything is possible! We want to believe what our eyes have just seen. Somewhere inside we know we have been tricked, but enjoy the magical feeling! The child archetype that exists in each of us isrenewed by this experience. The child is captivated by the thrill of the unknown. It is in this state of consciousness that we are truly alive and learning.
Have you ever witnessed an athlete shatter a world record?