Self Mastery & Healing Articles that were written and published by Calavera Magazine
Change - Shift - Change! Eclipse Cycles In March Indicated Major Shifts For The Year!
“In any given moment, we have two options:
To step forward into growth
Or step back into safety.”
~Abraham Maslow
Eclipses are energetic shifts and times of unexpected change, new beginnings, and fantastic growth opportunities. They can mark the end of something (lunar eclipses) or the start of something new (solar eclipses) and impact our lives in many ways. We, as astrologers, deeply understand and track these cycles intensely.
In ancient times, eclipses were not just celestial events but harbingers of fear. The sight of the Moon turning red or the Sun being overshadowed by the Moon would send people running for cover. Some even succumbed to the terror. It was a time when the world seemed to be ending, if only for a few moments.
A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, casting a shadow on the Earth's surface. This alignment signifies a decisive moment of new beginnings and transformations.
Five Simple Self-Care Tips for the Month of Love - Valentine's Day!
"Self-care means giving the Best of You,
Instead of what's left of you."
~Katie Reed
Did you know that February is National "Self-Care Check Month?" Self-care is an integral part of life. What is self-care" and what can YOU do this month to start practicing self-care?
Self-care is the art of consciously incorporating habits to make yourself a priority. You can start these new habits on Valentine's Day, which celebrates love. Valentine's Day can be a way to love and care for yourself and also be a way to validate and practice self-love.
Being your own Valentine is a surefire way to start a self-care practice. Valentine's Day can remind you to love and honor YOU. Self-care is a way to celebrate yourself for all YOU do. Having great self-care habits and carving out time for yourself is essential.
After all, you cannot take care of others if you do not first take good care of yourself.
Below are five simple self-care tips. These are not complex or time-consuming but relatively easy and fun habits you can start today. These habits can become lifelong tools for self-care and self-love.
Human Design A System Of Awesome Tools For Self Mastery!
"When we are no longer able to change a situation,
We are challenged to change Ourselves."
~Viktor E. Frankl
The path to self-mastery begins with having tools. In 1980, I started my lifelong journey into self-mastery with Yoga and Astrology. Since then, I have amassed many tools to help facilitate ongoing personal growth and assist others along their journey.
Quite a few years ago, I added another tool called "Human Design. The system includes Astrology, the I'Ching, the Chakra system, and the Tree of Life. It also blends the Science of Genetics and Physics.
The Human Design BodyGraph is a visual blueprint representing your unique design based on your birth information. It shows the positions of elements that are key to understanding your human design.
I recommend diving into the four basics.
Four Aura Types and Strategy - How you harmonize with the world.
Inner Authority - How you make decisions in your life.
Definition - How your life force interacts with the world.
Profile - The costume you wear.
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Human Design! A System of Awesome Tools For Self-Mastery!
"When we are no longer able to change a situation,
We are challenged to change Ourselves."
~Viktor E. Frankl
The path to self-mastery begins with having tools. In 1980, I started my lifelong journey into self-mastery with Yoga and Astrology. Since then, I have amassed many tools to help facilitate ongoing personal growth and assist others along their journey.
Quite a few years ago, I added another tool called "Human Design. The system includes Astrology, the I'Ching, the Chakra system, and the Tree of Life. It also blends the Science of Genetics and Physics.
The Human Design BodyGraph is a visual blueprint representing your unique design based on your birth information. It shows the positions of elements that are key to understanding your human design.
I recommend diving into the four basics. What are they?
How To Create Family-Life Balance During The Busy Holiday Season
"Balance is not something you find,
It's something you create."
~Jana Kingsford"
The Holidays are a busy time. If you have a busy schedule, adding more items to your to-do list can feel overwhelming! However, it is possible to find a balance in your day-to-day life and during the busy holiday Season.
I've compiled my top five tips and tools to help you get through the holidays. You can use any of these tools at any time to regain balance. I hope this will help you have the most balanced Holiday ever.
1. First and foremost, take care of YOU. Your family needs you, and it's easy to feel overwhelmed with the added stress of a 'busier day.' Take care of your heart by walking daily or calling a friend. Take care of your mind by journaling daily, reading a book, or getting professional counseling. Remember, your well-being is crucial, and by prioritizing self-care, you are showing yourself that you are valued and important.
2. Keep your expectations modest. Take the holidays as they come, and be careful about comparing your holidays to the "greeting card ideal." I watch the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" each year. It always helps me remember what is essential.
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Spiritual Parenting In Our Busy, Hyperconnected World
"You will never look back on life and think,
I spent too much time with my kids."
~Kimberely McLeod"
In our busy and hyperconnected world, feeling disconnected has become easy. Why is that? Ironically, with all the amazing methods we have to be more connected, our society has increased anxiety and profound loneliness.
The constant barrage of texts, emails, social media, and the internet can distance us from those we crave connections, causing more stress in our everyday lives. Just because we have more ways to connect does not mean we are connecting.
So, how do we fix or heal this enormous disconnect?
I have seen many families begin to accomplish this by initiating deep connections at home through Spiritual Parenting. The results have been truly transformative, offering hope and optimism for the future of family relationships.
What is Spiritual Parenting?
What is Your Enneagram Role in Your Family?
"If we observe ourselves truthfully and non-judgmentally,
seeing the mechanisms of our personality in action,
we can wake up, and our lives can be
a miraculous unfolding of beauty and joy."
― Don Richard Riso, The Wisdom of the Enneagram
As a Counselor, I work with many types of families. It is lovely to help family members understand their unique and energetic role within their, as determined by the Enneagram 9 type system.
You can find your type by taking an online test, such as the one at Before starting your journey, take the test a few times to ensure you agree with the results, and have each family take it.
After they clarify their number, it helps to explain their family members' energies, too. It's fun to share our numbers and can be an "a-ha" moment for everyone!
An old saying is, "You can pick your friends and intimate partners, but you can't pick your family." Your family is who they are. So, if a family member's energy challenges you or you are just interested in knowing more about them, the Enneagram can help.
Parenting With The Enneagram: A “Super Tool” For All Relationships
"The Enneagram is a tool that
Awakens our compassion for people
Just as they are,
Not the people we wish they would become
So our lives could become easier."
~ Ian Cron
Do you wish there was a tool to help you understand your relationships quickly and easily—especially with your children? Parenting can be challenging, but the Enneagram is not just a beacon of hope; it's a powerful catalyst for growth and improvement in all of your relationships, offering a path to a more harmonious family life.
What Enneagram Type Am I?
The Enneagram system categorizes personalities into nine unique types. You can find your type by taking an online test, such as the one at Take the test a few times to ensure you agree with the result before starting your unique journey.
What Enneagram Type Is My Child?
Be Honest With Yourself; Parenting Can Be Exhausting - How to Balance A “Work-Home” Life!
“There is no such thing as a perfect parent.
So just be a real one!”
~ Sue Atkins
Balancing work and home life can be challenging. How does ANY parent get through the day? To be a successful parent, checking in with yourself throughout the day is essential. I teach my clients a four-step process using the acronym HALT, which I learned many years ago. This word is a great way to remember to stop, feel, and listen to where you are BEFORE things get out of balance.
H: Hungry
A: Agitated
L: Lonely (and Lost)
T: Tired
Hungry? Do I need to eat? Am I reaching for unhealthy foods?
When I find myself reaching for another cup of coffee or something with sugar in it, I know that my tank is empty. I am ignoring my feelings or just simply not wanting to look at what I need to do for myself first. Remember that your nutritional needs are as important as your child’s—your diet is very important. Keep a food journal for those stressful times. Remember that you have choices!