How to Create Productive Change in The New Year
We should do every task for its own sake
as time and place demand
and not with an eye to the result.
Then each task turns out well,
and anything we undertake succeeds.
~The I Ching The Book of Changes Tr. Wilhelm
Every year we celebrate a day with many hopes and dreams.
Today we ask ourselves what we can do to change so we can live better lives. Usually, it involves losing weight, quitting smoking or drinking, or being nicer to family, friends, and even our boss. It is a day of reflection, redemption, atonement, admission, and resolve. Somehow we came to the agreement that on January 1st, we can say a prayer or make a resolution, and it shall be done. This day makes us feel good. This day helps us to believe that all of our bad deeds will be forsaken, forgiven, and changed. We can change. This day promises renewed commitment to become better and do better. Why do we need days like this?
Clearing the Mental Clutter
Starting over is akin to being born again, wiping the slate clean and creating a feeling inside that we are ok. We need this feeling of clearing the clutter, erasing the mental garbage, and starting anew. There is something very ancient about airing the sheets, cleaning the closet, or throwing away old newspapers and magazines. These actions are necessary.
Creating a "Daily" Resolution List
We need New Year's Day. What would we be without the idea that we can start fresh and new each year? Why doesn't every day feel like January 1st? Each day I wake up and write down my "Top Five" essential things to do. I know many people with huge lists with 20-30 items on the list. I tried this once and realized it was impossible. Given the myriad of tasks that come up each day unexpectedly, I have resolved my "Top Five" things. If I manage to get three done, I feel good and productive.
Doing vs. Non-doing
We are a society that rewards productivity and is interested in producing results. Why is this? We are, after all, human "beings." Isn't it enough to %be and not always be doing? Our society rewards "doing." We honor people who have accomplished and have gained recognition. But we also need quiet and solitude and downtime. Non-doing is a new concept in our society. We are beginning to understand it more through introducing Eastern thought that arrived in this country in the mid-'60s. With meditation practices and Yoga emerging across the country, we recognize "balance" and our inherent need not to do so.
What not to do, how to find a balance
Many are finding that in "not doing," much more can get done. It is a paradox that is fundamental to mastering life. To get things done, at times, we must not do anything. Making time in your day to reflect and renew your commitment to your inner self is as important as your commitment to your outer accomplishments. It might be hard, in the beginning, to trust that by not doing, much will be accomplished. Statistics show that people who are unemployed and not feeling productive are likely to be depressed. Other statistics show that people who are workaholics suffer a similar kind of depression. How can we find a balance? Many folks dream of retirement, yet, once retired, they don't know what to do with themselves. The balance is somewhere in between.
A "New" New Years Resolution
So what exactly is a New Year's Resolution? For me, it is a balance between the doing and the non-doing. Usually, I sit down and rewrite my "to do" list, then create a list focused on my non-doing items. So what does non-doing look like? Non-doing is a compliment to doing and is a necessary action to doing.
My "Top Five" Doing/Non-Doing List
1) When standing in line at the grocery store or post office, do nothing; breathe.
2) If you are having a conversation with your neighbor, listen and give them all the time they desire to express themselves.
3) Sitting at a stop light, don't play with the radio or look in your mirrors. Instead, enjoy this brief time to relax.
4) Watch the Sun Rise and the Sun Set. Be it's witness.
5) When drinking your tea or coffee, drink your tea or coffee.
Try this. If you come up with some good ones, please email them to me.
I am always interested in the myriad ways of non-doing.
My wish is for you to have a wonderful and stress-free, balanced New Year.