Creative “Time”- Saturn in Leo Cycle Ends
Would you consider yourself creative? Do you have a hobby or a creative outlet? How hard do you work at playing?
Currently, we have an Astrological Cycle called Saturn Retrograde occurring. Saturn went into Retrograde last December and will start to move forward on May 2nd, 2008. So these next two months are the final release of this cycle that visits us every 28 years.
When the planet Saturn transits an astrological sign, it takes 2-½ years to learn what that astrological sign represents.
In the past 2-½ years that Saturn has been in Leo, this represents the focus of embracing your creative self! The next two months ahead are the end of this cycle because it will move forward into the sign of Virgo, where service, work, health, and mentoring will become the focus.
What does this unique combination bring?
Saturn represents the energy of seriousness, limitations, defensiveness, and fear. It is also the power and ability to “get it together,” conserve, focus and accomplish. Leo is the sign of the King and Queen and represents the qualities of fun, artistic endeavors, creativity, and leadership.
When Saturn goes into the sign Leo, there is a kind of seriousness about fun and play. Sounds ironic? Well, yes, it is. However, Saturn is much better placed in the sign of Capricorn or Aquarius, as these are the more serious signs in the zodiac. So what do we do with Saturn in Leo?
We have seen an incredible “Baby Boom these past two years.” Leo is also associated with children. Raising children is a serious business. Of course, there is a lot of fun and joy involved, but the daily duties of raising a child can be daunting. What does a mother feel like painting, dancing, or being creative at the end of the day? How about those mothers who are now experiencing empty nest syndrome? Do they know how to get back to the innovative projects they put aside to raise their children?
Saturn is a teacher, and his energy challenges us to do more with our lives. His tests help us to become stronger and more focused. Saturn’s lesson for everyone is different; it all depends on what you need to learn. Usually, you are given three tests over the two years he visits. The first test introduces the issue you are supposed to deal with. By the time the second test comes, you are asked in some way to come up with a game plan and prepare to take action. If you have not resolved the issue, learned a lesson, or shifted something in your life, the third test is challenging. The result might feel overwhelming.
But Saturn is not a heavy-handed, bad guy. Instead, he rewards you for a job well done and lessons learned throughout the cycle. So if you meet each obstacle or challenge that arrives, there are excellent benefits at the end of this cycle.
In some cases, we hold onto things that have outlived their purpose; perhaps a dead-end job, a bad marriage, or poor self-esteem. Saturn wants to help you get rid of what is holding you back to make room for better things in your life.
What to do?
So for these next two months that Saturn moves out of Leo, ask yourself: Are you having fun? Are there fun, joy, and creativity in your life? If not, there are many ways to embrace your creative side. It is not enough to take pleasure in others' creative accomplishments – you can do it too! Take the risk to love yourself and try something new. You will be surprised at how easy it is to embrace your creative side and the joy and balance it will bring.
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