Astrological Highlights August 2003
Astrological Highlights
August 2, 2003
Today’s Wisdom Teaching is a brief outline of the astrological cycles for August. More detailed information on these cycles will come in the subsequent teachings during August. Enjoy!
New Moon/Full Moon Cycle
Monday, July 28th, initiated our New Moon Cycle at 5 degrees of Leo. Monday, August 11th, is our Full Moon at 19 degrees Aquarius. Check your chart or have an astrologer check to see where this cycle will affect you personally. This cycle is always our Plan and Power Cycle. The New Moon is a time to Plan and initiate a new program, idea, or activity. The Full Moon is a Power time and a time for execution or completion of the projects or ideas initiated on the New Moon.
Mars went Retrograde on Tuesday, July 29th, at 10 degrees Pisces. It will be retrograde until September 27th. So that will be two months of Mars being retrograde.
It will remain in the sign of Pisces until December 16th. Mars in Pisces suggests that it is a time to promote more flow and ease into your life. Rest, relax and rejuvenate. Also, look at where in your life you hold the most “unconsciousness” or attachment. I will be writing in more detail about this cycle this month.
Venus will move into Virgo on August 22nd. It will be there until September 15th. Service, teamwork, skills, and highlight the focus in all your relationships. Virgo is the sign of significance, perfection, and the desire to express itself through service. Venus is the planet of relationship, balance, and equilibrium. Taking care of your health and relationships during this time could be beneficial and rewarding.
Moon Wobble starts August 8th and will be exact on August 17th at 24 degrees Leo. Since this will be in a fixed sign, watch for the tendency toward inflexibility, especially if you have planets in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. More information on Moon Wobbles can be found at: I will also be writing further on this cycle this month.
Mercury will go Retrograde on August 28th at 26 degrees Virgo. It will remain retrograde until September 20th. More information on this cycle can be found at:
Jupiter will end its year-long stay in the sign of Leo on August 27th. It will move into Virgo and be there until October 2004. This is your time, Virgos! Bring your philosophy of service, perfection, and clarity to the forefront. Time to cleanse and purify an area of your life waiting to be understood and deeply cleansed!!
Pluto will move direct on August 28th at 17 degrees Sagittarius ending its five-month retrograde cycle. This profound release of Plutonian energy can help you move forward with some changes you may have been contemplating for the past five months. Wherever Pluto is currently transiting in your astrological chart is where this movement ahead will be.
One day you will, with elation greet yourself
arriving at your own door, in your own mirror.
Each will smile at the other’s greeting
Saying, “Sit here.” “Eat.”
You will love again the stranger
who was yourself.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart,
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you,
all your life, whom you ignored for another
who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf
the photographs, the desperate notes.
Peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.