Astrological Highlights November 2002
Astrological Highlights!
November 1st, 2002
Today's Wisdom Teaching is a brief outline of the astrological cycles for November 2002. As we approach the fall and winter seasons, our focus naturally shifts to asking more profound questions. In addition, the longer nights encourage us to move into a more internal way of being. As the month progresses, I will write more complete Wisdoms Teachings on some of the below cycles.
Sun Entered Scorpio October 23rd, 2002
On October 23rd, the Sun moved into the sign of Scorpio. It will be in Scorpio until November 21st. When the Sun moves into Scorpio, it is time to investigate life's more profound questions thoroughly. The questions to ask are, "What am I passionate about?" "What resources do I have that I can use to help transform my life?" "What major conflict do I have keeping me from getting what I want out of my life?"
New Moon/Full Moon Cycle-Plan and Power Cycle
Monday, November 4th, begins the New Moon cycle at 12 degrees of Scorpio. Tuesday, November 19th, is the Full Moon at 27 degrees Taurus. Check your chart to see where this cycle will be affecting you personally. This starts our Plan and Power Cycle. The New Moon is a time to Plan and begin projects, and the Full Moon is a Power time and a time for completing the tasks you initiated on the new moon cycle. More info on the moon cycle is available and archived at:
Uranus went Direct on November 3rd, 2002
Uranus has been retrograde since June 2nd, 2002, in the sign of Aquarius. It will move direct on Sunday, November 3rd, and Uranus is the planet of liberation, spontaneity, freedom, and enlightenment. The wisdom of this cycle is about moving forward with freedom of self-expression. It is also about awakening to your truth and individualistic response to your hopes, dreams, goals, and aspirations.
Mercury went into Sagittarius on November 19th, 2002
Mercury, our planet of communications, networking, and "the mind," will move into the sign of Sagittarius on Tuesday, November 19th. Sagittarius is the sign of expansion, abundance, philosophy, and belief systems. Mercury in Sagittarius is a time of allowing yourself to expand your truth through communication and optimism. Is there something you want to say honestly and truthfully? Be zealous and generous with your insight and ideas during this time. Encourage, uplift, and inspire with confidence your ideas and thoughts. Tell the truth with love and humor!
Venus went Direct on November 20th, 2002
Venus will go direct on Wednesday, November 20th, in the sign of Scorpio. It is time to move forward on your issues of personal power in your relationships. The wisdom needed for this cycle is to deeply rethink and reorganize your position on personal values and personal relationships. What have you learned about your personal and professional associations in the past six weeks? It is also time to move forward with confidence and decide what is deeply important and valuable to you in your life.
"Quote For The Week"
Let go of your worries
and be completely clear-hearted,
like the face of a mirror
that contains no images.
If you want a clear mirror,
behold yourself
and see the shameless truth,
which the mirror reflects.
If metal can be polished
to a mirror-like finish,
what polishing might the mirror
of the heart require?
Between the mirror and the heart
is this single difference:
the heart conceals secrets,
while the mirror does not.
~Jalaludin Rumi