Full Moon in Virgo March 2003
Full Moon in Virgo!
March 17, 2003
Many events in Astrology can be tied to the Cycles of the Moon. Our current World Events are no exception. One of the more gentle ways to get through any Full Moon Cycle is to treat yourself with the utmost love and honor. The Moon symbolically represents our deepest heart-felt needs, nourishment, and self-care. Unfortunately, during times of stress, very simple rituals of self-care and love can often be neglected.
We will be experiencing a Full Moon in the sign of Virgo (27 degrees at 2:35 am PST) on Tuesday, March 18th, 2003. Have your chart checked to see where this Full Moon will affect you personally.
This Full Moon in Virgo is a time to get out and find out how you can be of service. There is beauty to service, especially in a time of crisis. It is not a time for drama but rather a time to find "workable" solutions to everyday problems.
Virgo is a mutable earth sign associated with perfection, health, and healing. It may be time to implement a more practical and grounding health regimen that serves you. In addition, Virgo encourages us to take care of ourselves.
Complete Moon Cycles are "power times." They can be highly charged emotional times. Research has shown they produce a higher state of tension, release, and excitement in humans, animals, and plants. Therefore, on a Full Moon, one's judgment may be colored by these feelings. Therefore, pay attention and honor yourself during this and any Full Moon cycle.
Because Virgos place tremendous value on service, the shadow is, of course, the workaholic. Virgos need to balance their life with play or intimate relationships. Virgos also have the boundless ability to see the minute details of life and are never satisfied unless the task is perfect. The shadow of that is the annoying perfectionist who never completes anything or is never happy when they do.
The Wisdom needed during this cycle is a balance between work and play. Evaluate where you need to serve yourself. If you have been working hard, take a long bath or get a massage. If you have been neglecting your work, dive in and do it "perfectly." Feel the joy in the service you can give others and the rewards of feeling useful and needed.
"Quote For The Week"
Great opportunities
to help others
seldom come,
but small ones
surround us daily.
~Sally Koch