Astrological Highlights February 2003
Astrological Highlights
February 7, 2003
Hello everyone! I appreciate your patience with the teachings. The past few months have proven to be busy acquiring my new babies, Dixie and Daisy, female rat terrier puppies! Finally, I am ready for 2003. For those who have inquired about the teachings, thank you. I appreciate your support. They will now resume their presence in your email box. Today's Wisdom is a brief outline of the astrological cycles for February. More detailed information on these cycles will come in the following teachings.
New Moon/Full Moon Cycle
On Saturday, February 1, the New Moon cycle began at 12 degrees Aquarius. Sunday, February 16, is the Full Moon at 27 degrees Leo. Check your chart or have an astrologer check to see where this cycle will affect you personally. This starts the Plan and Power Cycle. The New Moon is the time to Plan and begin projects. The Full Moon is a Power time and time for completion of those projects initiated on the New Moon. More info on the Moon cycle is available at:
Venus went into Capricorn on February 4, 2003.
It will be in Capricorn until March 2. Venus is the planet of love and relationship. Venus in Capricorn suggests it is time to fortify and create foundations in all your relationships. Look where you may need to take responsibility in your relationships and be careful and realistic during this time.
Mercury went into Aquarius on February 12, 2003
Mercury, the planet of communication, networking, and "the mind," will move into the sign of Aquarius on Wednesday, February 12. Aquarius is the sign of freedom, genius, spontaneity, and enlightenment. Mercury in Aquarius is the time to think differently and encourage more futuristic, original ideas to flood your consciousness. Is there something you want to say that will release and awaken you? Be more futuristic and liberate yourself from old, outworn ideas. Detach yourself from thoughts that no longer bring you freedom and joy!
Moon Wobble Started on February 14, 2003
You know that this could be a reasonably unstable time for those familiar with this cycle. Moon Wobble will peak on February 23 at 4 degrees Pisces. For complete information on Moon Wobble, it is available at: (Next week, I will have more thorough teaching on this Powerful Upcoming Cycle.)
Saturn went Direct on February 21, 2003
Saturn has been in Retrograde since October 11, 2002. Saturn's direction forward is a time for focusing on the ideas and habits that have been reorganizing and restructuring since its backward movement (retrograde) in October. Saturn has been retrograde in the sign Gemini. So, if you have had some ideas that have been on hold since October, it will be time to put them into structure and action after February 21
"Quotes For The Week By Aquarians"
"To talk well and eloquently is a very great art, but an equally great one is to know the right moment to stop." — Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aquarius)
"Fiction is like a spider's web, attached ever so slightly perhaps, but still attached to life at all four corners." –Virginia Woolf (Sun, Mercury in Aquarius)
"He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils, for time is the greatest innovator. — Francis Bacon (Sun and Mercury in Aquarius)