Wisdom Teachings

Spring and The Vernal Equinox
Spring is here!! Can you feel it in the air? Spring arrives when the earth is tilted and the Sun is positioned directly over the equator. Wednesday, March 20th, was the official arrival of Spring called the Vernal Equinox. Vernal means Spring, and equinox mean equal night. Thus, day and night are the same lengths, each lasting precisely twelve hours on this day. The vernal equinox marks the first day of Spring and the movement of the Sun into the astrological sign Aries. So, where did Spring emerge?
In ancient times people held mythic beliefs about seasonal changes. For example, the Goddess of Spring was called Eostre.

The Sun Sign Pisces
This week's teaching is on the Astrological sign Pisces. They were born between Feb. 20th and Mar. 20th, and they are the great peacemakers, mystics, and dreamers of the zodiac. Pisces is a mutable water sign. The symbol for Pisces is two fish attached swimming in opposite directions. The key phrase for Pisces is I Believe.
The symbol of the fish pulling in opposite directions lends Pisces to believe and not believe. When asked, many Pisces respond that they feel this to be very accurate.

The Sun Sign Aquarius
Today’s Wisdom Teaching is on the Astrological Sign Aquarius. (Jan 19th-Feb 18th) Aquarius is the final Air sign in the Zodiac. The symbol is the Water Bearer, which depicts a man pouring water out of an urn or container. This symbol suggests that he is sharing something. The water represents knowledge and information.
The symbol for Aquarius is two wavy lines, which are often mistaken for water. These lines are representative of thought waves moving through the Air.

Full Moon In Virgo
The Moon! The Moon! Look to the Moon! This week's Wisdom Teaching is on the Full Moon Cycle in Virgo, happening today, February 28, 2002.
Full Moon Cycles are "power times." The ancients knew to look to the Moon for great wisdom. Moon cycles are highly charged emotional times. They produce a higher state of tension, release, and excitement in humans, animals, and plants. Therefore, on a Full Moon, one's judgment may be colored by these feelings–knowledge we can use to our advantage if we know the Full Moon sign. What is a full moon in Virgo like?

Mercury Retrograde In Capricorn
Today’s Weekly Wisdom teaching is on the Mercury Retrograde cycle. Mercury has been retrograde since January 18th. Mercury is the planet associated with the mind and the intellect. Mercury helps us determine the way we think and perceives. A Mercury Retrograde cycle calls us to “rethink and re-perceive.” It is really that simple.
Mercury has been in the sign of Aquarius but moved back (retrograde) into Capricorn on Sunday, February 3rd. Capricorn is associated with responsibility, seriousness, and completion. Is there a project you have been irresponsible about and not brought to fruition? is a terrain to climb and deep mystical waters to explore.

The Sun Sign Capricorn
This week's teaching is about our responsible Zodiac friends – our Capricorns! With the Sun in the sign of Capricorn (Dec 21st – Jan 20th), we focus on the New Year with new beginnings, setting goals, listing priorities, and realizing where our true ambitions lie.
Capricorn is the Astrological sign of the Mountain or Sea-Goat. As the symbolism suggests, there is a terrain to climb and deep mystical waters to explore.

The Sun Sign Sagittarius
Our Sun is currently in the sign of Sagittarius (Nov 21/22-Dec 21). Sagittarius is the sign of justice, truth, perception, and the search for meaning. The symbol for Sagittarius is The Centaur. The Centaur’s arrow aims into the heavens and strives for higher things in life. The Centaur reminds us that we are human and animal and should never forget our instinctual animal nature while seeking higher, lofty, idealistic human things.
The primary teaching for this month is the Sagittarian quest for knowledge and personal truth.

What is a Moon Wobble?
December 6th starts with Moon Wobble!
As the name suggests, it is a cycle of emotional instability and collective unsteadiness. The wisdom needed for this cycle is one of consciousness, emotional focus, and internal awareness. The possibility of excessive emotionalism, drama, and fear can be very high during this time.

Blue Moon Cycle
We will be having a “Blue Moon” next Wednesday, October 31st, in the Astrological sign of Taurus at 9:41 pm. Oh yes, that is on Halloween.
What is a Blue Moon, you ask?
According to my research, the term is about 400 years old. Over time the meaning has shifted. There are about six different meanings. I have listed them below.

Saturn - Pluto Opposition
Why War? Why Now? The Saturn/Pluto Opposition.
Saturn and Pluto became actively engaged in conflict on August 5th, 2001. This geometrical aspect is called an “Opposition.” (180 degrees) Saturn and Pluto are standing face to face with one another. The dates of exact opposition are — August 5th, 2001, November 2nd, 2001, and May 26th, 2002.

The Sun Sign Libra
I am confident the early Astrologers were most intrigued by the Sun. Our Sun is the most visible planet in the sky. If you meet someone uneducated about Astrology, they will at least know their "Sun" Sign. It is hard to ignore how physically and psychologically fundamental this giant planet is to our lives.
So, what is the Sun's Wisdom Teaching? Let's begin with the significance of this planet. The Sun is essential.

Mercury Retrograde in Libra
Our swiftest moving planet Mercury is going Retrograde in the Sign of Libra on Monday, October 1st (12:23 PST) until Monday, October 22nd Mercury is the planet of communications, everyday mental activity, and movement. Mercury goes into Retrograde approximately three times a year.
A retrograde planet (when viewed from the earth) “appears” to have stopped and is moving backward through the sky. Then, after some time, the planet goes “direct” and is back on its standard cyclic path—every planet retrogrades except the Sun and the Moon.

Fall and The Autumnal Equinox
Welcome to Fall! The Autumnal Equinox was Saturday, September 22. Fall is time for harvest. It is when the days and nights are of equal length. Autumn is the second time of balance in the year, Spring the other. Our days will become shorter until we arrive at the Winter Solstice on December 21. After December 21, the days will again grow longer in preparation for Spring.
It is time to celebrate and store our abundance for the cold but cozy winter months. Animals are busy preparing for winter hibernation. Everywhere, there is tremendous energy in the air. From this point on, we excite and celebrate the oncoming season of shorter days and longer nights.

The New Moon Creation Cycle
Hello everyone. My prayers and love go out to all of you as we try to make sense of the events of last week's tragedy. Personally, I feel compelled to stay focused and productive toward getting you information about the current and upcoming cycles. My job is to be the Messenger about our upcoming cycles so we can all keep well-grounded and informed during this unstable and emotional time.

Moon Wobble and September 11th, 2001
The attack on the New York Trade Center today was an absolute tragedy! Upon waking this morning, I am sure those of you with friends and family had a tremendous concern, as did I. My brother lives in New York, and my sister got word to me to say that he was fine.
After many calls this morning, I was compelled to write a little more about this Moon Wobble Cycle, what it is all about, and some other observations of this cycle.

Correction..Moon Wobble Dates are September 24, 2001
Ooooopppss!! I made an error on the Moon Wobble date. The exact date is September 24th, not October 24th!!! I guess I am already wobbling!!
This week we will enter into a cycle called “Moon Wobble.” As the name suggests, it is a cycle of emotional instability and unsteadiness. The wisdom needed for this cycle is one of consciousness, emotional steadiness, and internal awareness. The possibility of excessive emotionalism, drama, and fear can be very high during this time. What is a Moon Wobble?

Moon Wobble September 10, 2001
This week we will enter into a cycle called “Moon Wobble.” As the name suggests, it is a cycle of emotional instability and unsteadiness.
The wisdom needed for this cycle is one of consciousness, emotional steadiness, and internal awareness. The possibility of excessive emotionalism, drama, and fear can be very high during this time.
What exactly is a Moon Wobble?

Full Moon Cycle In Pisces
New Moon Cycle August 31, 2001
We are looking forward to the Full Moon! This Sunday, September 2, at 2:43 pm PST (11:43 am EST), our glorious moon will be officially full and centered in the Astrological sign of Pisces. The full moon produces a higher state of tension, release, and excitement in humans, animals, and plants. Therefore, at a full moon, judgment may be colored by these feelings–knowledge we can most certainly use to our advantage.

Pluto and Change
Change! Change! Change is in the air! Pluto, the smallest and most distant planet in the Solar System, has been in a retrograde (moving backward) position for the past five months. However, yesterday it went direct (moved forward). Did you feel a shift?

The Moon’s Cycle is a Creativity Cycle
Perhaps the most crucial cycle to consider of the many Astrological cycles is the cycle of the Moon. The Moon’s Cycle is a Wisdom Teaching that is understood as a Creation Cycle. Following the Moon, the cycle helps you stay in the natural flow of Creation with the Universe. Each particular phase of the Moon allows you to understand what part of the creative process is up and what you need to stay attentive to that will help you to reach your goals.