Full Moon In Virgo
Full Moon In Virgo
February 27, 2002
The Moon! The Moon! Look to the Moon! This week's Wisdom Teaching is on the Full Moon Cycle in Virgo, happening today, February 28, 2002.
Full Moon Cycles are "power times." The ancients knew to look to the Moon for great wisdom. Moon cycles are highly charged emotional times. They produce a higher state of tension, release, and excitement in humans, animals, and plants. Therefore, on a Full Moon, one's judgment may be colored by these feelings–knowledge we can use to our advantage if we know the Full Moon sign. What is a full moon in Virgo like?
The Full Moon is in the Astrological sign of Virgo today. Virgos archetypically represents the Perfectionist, the Analyst, or the Servant. Virgos have an inner longing for expressing the self through work and service. They also strive for the highest positive experiences of health and perfection within the body (or whatever task they have decided to undertake.) In this cycle, I recommend you examine your relationship to your work or service and explore your health and physical body consciousness.
Because Virgos place tremendous value on service, the shadow is, of course, the workaholic. Virgos need to balance their life with play or intimate relationships. Virgos also have the boundless ability to see the minute details of life and are never satisfied unless the task is perfect. The shadow of that is the annoying perfectionist who never actually completes anything.
Are you in the job or service that you love? Are you taking time to exercise your body? What do you need to do to make that happen? Are you engaging in a service that feeds your soul while helping others? How much is your daily work an honest representation of your true abilities? Do you have a regular exercise program that balances out the mental activities you engage in daily?
As you explore these questions, be easy on yourself. Accurate evaluation of change at this time requires a commitment to a process. The process can help you create a reasonable time frame to make the necessary changes.
"Quote For The Week"
I slept and dreamt
that life was joy
I awoke and saw
that life was service
I acted and behold
service was joy.
–Rabindranath Tagore