Mercury Retrograde In Capricorn
Sun Sign Capricorn
January 11, 2002
Today’s Weekly Wisdom teaching is on the Mercury Retrograde cycle. Mercury has been retrograde since January 18th. Mercury is the planet associated with the mind and the intellect. Mercury helps us determine the way we think and perceives. A Mercury Retrograde cycle calls us to “rethink and re-perceive.” It is really that simple.
Mercury has been in the sign of Aquarius but moved back (retrograde) into Capricorn on Sunday, February 3rd. Capricorn is associated with responsibility, seriousness, and completion. Is there a project you have been irresponsible about and not brought to fruition? With Mercury’s re-entering into the sign of Capricorn, this may be where your “thoughts” have been re-directed. So what does it mean when Mercury is retrograde in Capricorn?
Capricorn is also associated with fathers or father figures. Perhaps it is time to rethink your relationship with your fathers or father figures. Also, any kind of authority can become prominent during this time. Maybe the authority and responsibilities you have for others are on your mind today as well. This week, practical, no-nonsense thinking is needed during this time. Also, be aware of the pitfalls or the shadow of this sign. Which are the “joyless drudge” and “the grumbler.”
Finally, the balance of the Capricorn energy will be needed this week. This is found in the opposite sign-Cancer. The opposite sign always shows us what is necessary to balance the cycle we are currently experiencing.
This week, paying attention to your “feelings” and “nurturing” yourself is needed to accomplish balance. After you have focused all day on that “project” that needs to be completed, turn your energy inward to your actual “needs.” Nurture yourself, eat well, take a long bath or get a nurturing massage. One of life’s fundamental lessons is about finding balance. This final week of Mercury being retrograde is finding the balance between the “responsibilities” to the world and the “responsibilities” to your own needs and feelings. (Mercury will go direct on Friday, February 8th, and then move forward into the sign of Aquarius on Wednesday, February 13th.)
“Quote For The Week”
When you speak,
do so from your knowing,
For there are many that may
take heed to what you say.
To speak out of what is known
only to others
Is to mislead
your brothers and sisters.
July 1999