The Sun Sign Capricorn
Sun Sign Capricorn
January 11, 2002
This week's teaching is about our responsible Zodiac friends – our Capricorns! With the Sun in the sign of Capricorn (Dec 21st – Jan 20th), we focus on the New Year with new beginnings, setting goals, listing priorities, and realizing where our true ambitions lie.
Capricorn is the Astrological sign of the Mountain or Sea-Goat. As the symbolism suggests, there is a terrain to climb and deep mystical waters to explore.
It is the last earth sign in our zodiac with the leadership quality (a cardinal sign) assigned to it. You will find many Capricorn's expressing leadership in the public in some way. Accepting authority is a strategy that helps them acknowledge self-sufficiency and embrace solitude. The Sea-Goat often spends time alone learning to accept their successes or failures. This solitude also allows them to realize that no one's approval is ever needed, and all self-respect and leadership come from within.
Capricorns are deliberate, steady, purposeful, reliable, realistic, hard-working, and practical. They teach us that we all must pursue "great work" somewhere in our lives. They help us to embrace the endeavor that will push us to the potential that we know is inherent in our beings. Why should I set goals? Why must I focus and accept the challenges I have set for myself? Capricorn teaches us to climb up and never look back at its highest expression. Thus helping us to understand and develop integrity. (No lies or pretenses here.) But, first, we must set our goals and list our priorities. These goals are excellent teachings that Capricorns bring us to help start the New Year.
"Story of The Week"
My oldest sister (Teresa) is a committed Capricorn. She climbs Cowles Mountain, a beautiful mountain in the heart of San Diego, whenever she can. She said to me one day, "If you don't go to the top of the mountain and touch the stone, it doesn't count." (Such a sisterly thing to say!)
Years ago, when she first started climbing the mountain, she used to get to the top and then run down. Now she walks down. Sometimes she sits. I have been up that mountain with her. It's hard. It's winding. It's beautiful. Like her, it is solid, has integrity, and never lies.
Whenever she sees a nonregular climber, she'll say, "Oh, by the way, there is a 7-Eleven at the top that sells Gatorade, water, and donuts." I laugh.
In her authentic Capricorn way, this gentle reminder invites others to accept the internal rewards that go with any task we undertake. To succeed, we must become indifferent to success and failure. It is the path that we must look upon for our most significant achievements.