What is a Moon Wobble?
Moon Wobble!
December 3, 2001
December 6th starts with Moon Wobble!
As the name suggests, it is a cycle of emotional instability and collective unsteadiness. The wisdom needed for this cycle is one of consciousness, emotional focus, and internal awareness. The possibility of excessive emotionalism, drama, and fear can be very high during this time.
Remember our last Moon Wobble started the week of the World Trade Center bombing. Moon Wobbles can be powerful cycles. The world is still collectively at war with Terrorism. As a result, we may see more heightened fear and anxiety in the Middle East in December as these countries and the United States work to resolve disharmony.
What exactly is a Moon Wobble? Moon Wobbles occur when the transiting Sun makes exact contact with the Lunar (the Moon’s) Nodes. This contact (in astrological terms) is called a conjunction or a square. How long does it last? The exact date of this Moon Wobble will occur on December 18th and centered at 27 degrees Sagittarius. Usually, the awareness of this cycle starts about ten days before the exact configuration and then continues for ten days after. Thus, the cycle will begin on December 8th and be complete by December 28th. We have about 4-5 Moon Wobbles per year.
What can I do during this cycle? The best way to handle this emotionally-based cycle is to be a conscious observer. Everyone’s chart will be triggered by this cycle, but how much awareness and consciousness you bring is the deeper wisdom teaching. Any potentially emotional cycle allows us to access those deeper parts of our being that help us remember what to do when we are thrown off our center.
This Moon Wobble is during the Holidays. This time is generally a hectic and emotional time of the year anyway. Here are some of the things to watch during a Holiday Moon Wobble that I have found in my research and experience:
**The Holiday Season is when people add activities to their already busy schedules, such as parties. Traveling and shopping and visiting relatives. So be careful on the roads this month. This Moon Wobble is in the sign of Sagittarius(Sun) and Gemini(Lunar Node). These archetypes are associated with communication and travel activities, both local and long-distance.
**Things may not always be what they seem during Moon Wobble. Check things out first, and ask questions, even if it seems annoying to the other person. This applies to many things, including buying holiday gifts, apartment hunting, and even dating.
**Practice flexibility during this period. Sometimes things don’t go as planned during this time. Be open to more possibilities.
Finally, emotions can be somewhat irrational during this time. The Holiday Season is already a busy, busy time. Try to stay centered and focused on what is most important. Keep out of a reaction mode. You may find that things weren’t as they seemed, and an opening for a more profound understanding will be available.
“Quote For The Week”
The only difference
between stumbling blocks
and stepping stones
is the way
in which
we use them.