The New Moon Creation Cycle
New Moon Cycle September 17, 2001
Hello everyone. My prayers and love go out to all of you as we try to make sense of the events of last week's tragedy. Personally, I feel compelled to stay focused and productive toward getting you information about the current and upcoming cycles. My job is to be the Messenger about our upcoming cycles so we can all keep well-grounded and informed during this unstable and emotional time.
Today begins a New Moon Cycle. Remember that the New Moon Cycle is a Creation Cycle that works individually and collectively. Following the Moon, cycle helps you stay in the natural flow of Creation with the Universe.
The New Moon is in the Astrological Sign of Libra. Libra is the archetype of the peacemaker and the diplomat, and the symbol for Libra is the Scales. The New Moon in Libra suggests the need for fairness and empathy that will be needed to bring things to balance individually and in the World.
New Moon Cycles help us understand what the Moon cycle events will focus on. For example, a New Moon in Libra brings forth the unconscious Collective World Plan for creating peace. However, last Tuesday's events brought us to the fact that not just the United States but the World is at War. How we will collectively move forward with the War will be further revealed on the Full Moon in Aries on October 2nd.
The unconscious desire for balance will be reflected and practiced in many ways during the next few weeks. You will see this, especially in the stock market, as it goes up and down. Personally and collectively, we will all try to find a balance as emotions run at an all-time high. Whatever fears you have will come to the surface and suggest to your unconscious the need for balance "in your own life." Watch these fears to see if they are grounded in reality or a reaction to the collective instability generally associated with the Moon Wobble Cycle. (Please see Wisdom Teachings #4)
Our Full Moon will be centered at 9 degrees of Aries on October 2nd and will also be a Harvest Moon. Aries is the archetype of the Warrior and the Protector. The Shadow aspect of Aries is the Killer or the Coward. Since this is the opposite sign that our current Moon Wobble is centered (1 degree Libra), what we will do in the next two weeks to establish a sense of peace begins today and will culminate on the Full Moon of October 2nd. Are we going to War? I don't know, but the cycles suggest that the Archetypes of the Peacemaker and the Warrior are both considered crucial for healing.
What is happening with the Moon Wobble? Remember from last week's Wisdom Teaching that the center of the Moon Wobble will be on Monday, September 24th. We are just approaching the center of this cycle. Emotions will come to an "all-time high" during this next week as people come closer to the reality of what this tragedy is all about. Since this Moon Wobble is in the sign of Cancer, we are being asked "to feel" and "to nurture ourselves." Unfortunately, this tragedy is just beginning, and we are all putting forth our efforts to bring some resolution to the reality of a New War. The best way to handle Moon Wobbles is to become a conscious observer. The Moon Wobble cycle will end on October 4th.
Many of you have asked me about Moon Wobble. I am working on a page for my website about Moon Wobble. I hope to have it up in the next couple of days. The address for that page is:
My final Wisdom Teaching is to stay calm and productive during the next three weeks. Keep Focused On The Service And Gifts That You Provide To Others. Remember that our Country has been at War many times. I cannot remember a time in my life when I felt this connected to my Country. It is something to drive down my street and see the American Flag flying on everyone's houses. Yes, God Bless America and you too. My love and prayers are with you.
"Quote For The Week"
"The greater the contrast.
The greater the potential.
Great energy
Only comes
From a correspondingly
Great tension
Between opposites."
~C. J. Jung.