Fall and The Autumnal Equinox
Fall and The Autumnal Equinox September 24, 2001
Welcome to Fall! The Autumnal Equinox was Saturday, September 22. Fall is time for harvest. It is when the days and nights are of equal length. Autumn is the second time of balance in the year, Spring the other. Our days will become shorter until we arrive at the Winter Solstice on December 21. After December 21, the days will again grow longer in preparation for Spring.
It is time to celebrate and store our abundance for the cold but cozy winter months. Animals are busy preparing for winter hibernation. Everywhere, there is tremendous energy in the air. From this point on, we excite and celebrate the oncoming season of shorter days and longer nights.
What is happening with the Cycles this week? Today is the center of our current Moon Wobble! 1 degree of Libra. I have put together a website page that explains what Moon Wobbles are in more detail. The address is http://www.AmberFlynn.com/forecast/moonwobble.html.
Stay grounded and become a conscious observer for the next few days. Get plenty of rest and watch that you don’t get caught up in the over-emotional tendencies of this cycle. Eat well and nurture yourself. It has been a wonderful time for all of us.
Also, this week, the planet Saturn will go into Retrograde in the sign of Gemini on Wednesday, September 26. It will be retrograde until February 7, 2002. Gemini is the Astrological Sign of the mind, intelligence, and communication. . Saturn is the Archetype of the Elder, the Wise Man, or the Wise Woman. This retrograde cycle reflects the time to re-establish, rethink, and ask questions of our elders. We need to find out what will help everyone feel safe and secure with our transportation, information, and communication systems. It is a time to ask the more profound questions about what we have learned in the past and how we can become wise messengers for the future.
What is called for is an intelligent rethinking of how we can utilize our self-discipline with words and become better messengers and teachers individually and collectively. The shadow of the archetype of Gemini is the chatterbox or the “person who talks a lot but says nothing.” Instead, we all need to learn how to become better and more effective communicators and bring discipline, love, and consciousness to our speech.
Additional Wisdom is needed during this cycle as to how we can become better listeners. Sometimes we forget that the best way to communicate is to be a good listener. Wisdom involves the ability to become more alert and present for someone else. We might even need to ask more questions and focus on listening to what someone is saying. Let us look to the message of our fall cycle, which is to gather and harvest all the information we will need to be better able to move forward in February.
“Quote For The Week”
“A good listener
is not only
popular everywhere,
but after a while
he knows something.