Venus Retrograde In Scorpio
Venus Retrograde
October 10, 2002
Venus, the goddess of beauty, grace, and eloquence, is the highlight of today's Weekly Wisdom Teaching.
The planet Venus affects and determines our sense of style, art appreciation, love, and culture. It is also associated with our creative ability and how we approach relationships and romance. Venus also aids us in our attitude toward finances and material possessions.
How does it do this?
Venus is associated with the Sun Signs Taurus and Libra. Taurus rules the second House in the astrological chart, which is the House of values, resources, and possessions. Libra is associated with the seventh House, which is the House of our significant interpersonal relationships. Thus Venus affects us both on a concrete (Taurus) and an abstract (Libra) level. So what happens when Venus goes into Retrograde?
Venus, the ruler of the second House of values and money, helps us determine what tangible monetary value we place on things. What do you want to own, what will you spend your money on, and what is valuable to you? Venus, the ruler of the seventh House, helps us determine what value we place on love and romance. Venus's position in your birth chart can help you answer these questions: What type of lover do you seek? What kind of lover seeks you? How will you love it? What kind of love do you need?
What happens when Venus goes into Retrograde?
Venus goes retrograde Thursday, October 10th, in the sign of Scorpio. It will remain retrograde for six weeks and will move direct on November 20th. Scorpio is the detective archetype and can call upon fierce and determined energy and insight into any situation. With Venus retrograde in Scorpio, the wisdom needed for this cycle is to rethink and reorganize your position on personal values and personal relationships. Determining what you profoundly value in life is also essential. Ask yourself what your current relationships are based. Have the courage to ask your heart where things stand. Scorpio is the sharpest, shrewdest, most investigative intelligence in the zodiac. The psychological capacity of scorpions is like a deep lake, quiet and still. (Scorpio knows that what is hidden is usually pretty darn important.) Scorpio energy can draw attention to what it deeply sees and finds necessary. It is an energy that also helps uncover life's more profound hidden mysteries.
Questions to ask:
What is the depth and level of your relationships? Do they serve you? How is what you purchase reflect what you truly value?
Also, during a Venus retrograde, the phenomena of running into an old lover or friend can frequently occur. Again, this helps lead us to the importance of "remembering" what we once knew and loved to make more precise choices.
"Quote For The Week"
I will not die an unlived life,
I will not live in fear
of falling or catching fire.
I choose to inhabit my days,
to allow my living to open me,
to make me less afraid,
more accessible;
to loosen my heart
until it becomes a wing,
a torch, a promise.
I choose to risk my significance,
to live so that which came to me as seed
goes to the next as blossom,
goes on as fruit.
~Dawna Markova