Following Your Dreams Using Astrology
The Peninsula Woman
Following Your Dreams
Using Astrology
March - April 2005
When you wish upon a star,
makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires will come to you
If your heart is in your dreams,
no request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star as dreamers do
What is a dream? The dictionary describes it as A wild fancy or hope, a condition or achievement that is longed for, an aspiration, or something that is exceptionally gratifying, excellent, or beautiful.
More importantly, what are your dreams? Do you know? The above description suggests that a dream is often something out of reach.
But what came before the dream may be equally important. For example, if someone dreams of “making a lot of money,” that person may have experienced extreme poverty or a feeling that there “wasn’t enough” in their lifetime. Money might then become their dream. If someone dreams of freedom, that person may have had an experience of feeling trapped. In other words, perhaps the nightmares or challenging experiences you have had are fundamentally crucial to obtaining your dream. Your nightmares or difficult experiences may point to what your goals may be.
Wishing on a Star
Astrology is an art that explores the developmental process that exists in each person. It is based on the planetary alignment in the sky when you were born. Each chart is unique, like a fingerprint. A horoscope in the hands of a professional astrologer can help to reveal the deeper tensions or inescapable shadow work that exists for you. When working with a client, one of the first questions I often ask them is, “what is your biggest fear?” This question helps direct me quite quickly to their most prominent dream. If we can explore our fears, we can get to the plan. Sometimes only then can we talk about what is genuinely hoped and longed for. We can get to your dream.
Many people have lost their dreams. They can unknowingly exist in the world of grief. The grief process must be gone through for someone to recapture their dreams. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross identified the five stages of grief as denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. In working through this unique process, your dreams can be recaptured.
Let’s look at the first step: denial. Overcoming denial involves facing loss, admitting to the fears surrounding the loss, and dealing with those feelings. Unfortunately, when you face losses in one area, it often uncovers other related losses. This reveals your anger or an inner child may throw a tantrum at realizing the loss of their dream.
As the bargaining process begins, this is the climax of the anger. This point can either lead to depression or a higher place, genuinely exploring the “reality” of the situation. This process can help you make “real” what the dream is.
Acceptance is the ultimate goal, but it is not always final. For instance, while grieving the loss of a relationship you could find yourself in a new relationship. If you encounter the same problems you had in your last relationship, anger may resurface, and the grief process may need to be re-attended. Dreaming your dream isn’t impossible. But it is a process.
What can an Astrological Chart do?
An astrological chart can help you explore where you are in the process of realizing your dreams. We can look at what immediate work needs to be addressed by analyzing the current transits and progression. We can examine where in the grief process you are. There are many ways to deal with grief and recapture your life’s dreams. For example, suppose you are in the anger stage, talking to others. In that case, writing letters (not to be mailed), journaling, a technique in a therapy called the “empty chair,” and role-playing (also done in the therapeutic setting) are all beneficial.
I look forward to working with you to recapture your dreams, explore your grief, and help you begin to wish again upon your lost star!