Queen of Clubs
Long live the beautiful and intuitive Queen! Being born today means that you possess gifts of creativity, mental power, extraordinary intuition and profound communication.
This is “the Mother of Truth and Intuition” Card. She represents the sharing of knowledge in many forms. I have not yet met a Queen of Clubs who does not have these gifts in great abundance! Count yourself lucky to be in the presence of this Queen when she shares her gifts with you!
The shadow side of this card is impatience and intolerance. This card operates from a very high frequency, which can be unstable and aggressive. Also, this card’s honesty can be strong and often times can sting and bite. Their energy needs to be focused and channelled into either work or creativity. And they must learn to “think” before they speak.
It’s important for you to follow your intuition. Hearing your deeper intuition requires patience and sensitivity. Following your instincts today will provide tremendous assistance with any obstacle that you may encounter.
Watch your words! Telling the truth will be important, but find a way to convey and deliver it with loving thoughtfulness.
“Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.” ~ Rumi
Queen of Clubs Birthdays
January 28 ~ February 26 ~ March 24 ~ April 22 ~ May 20 ~ June 18 ~ July 16
August 14 ~ September 12 ~ October 10 ~ November 8 ~ December 6