Tis the Season
Tis the Season….
Penninsula Woman
Nov – Dec 2003
Tis the Season…..
The Holidays are here! They are certainly a time for reflection, completion, and celebration.
It is also the time to review the year and gather friends and family for a joyful celebration. (Certainly, it is a great time to have your Astrological Chart looked at for the next year’s Cycles.)
Electricity is in the air as preparations begin for this festive time. I always look forward to the decorations, traditional music (yes, even the corny stuff), and the amazing sparkle in everyone’s eyes as they rush off to get caught in the whirlwind of shopping, vacations, and parties. Everyone is also trying to decide what might be the “perfect” gift for his or her loved ones this year.
A Conscious Holiday Season?
Unfortunately, not all experiences are joyful during the holidays. The pressure to get everything “taken care of” can override the spirit of joy and giving. Commercials and advertisements contribute to the overwhelming pressure of holiday expectations. Trying to take care of everyone and everything can be Very Stressful. To add to the stress, many families are spread across the country, even the world. Missing loved ones can add to the stress and additional Travel Plans. If you do not have a family or if you live far away from your family, the tendency to feel isolated and alone can create fear and depression.
The additional holiday responsibilities can be overwhelming, if not downright exhausting!!! The pressure of buying presents or feeling guilty because you didn’t buy a present for someone can feel embarrassing and uncomfortable. Gift-giving can also create confusion in the psyche about what is valuable during these optimistic and spiritually abundant times.
A Conscious Solution……..
Consciousness requires that we pay attention to our limits. We must recognize both the season's positive and negative events so we can take the actions that serve us the best. Women tend to think they can “do it all” during this time. We just simply cannot! There is a way to approach the season's harder and more difficult aspects. We must first be conscious that they exist. Don’t deny that you can get completely caught up in the tradition and expectations of the season. Second, it pays to have a strategy to help you focus when you find the stresses building. Below are a few ideas that may help you to manage your energy and stress levels during this time.
5 Ways to Consciously Experience the Holidays!
#1. Know and maintain your personal balance and limitations. This includes exercising, resting, and eating well. You will have more energy during demanding times if you take good care of your physical body.
#2. Remember your priorities. Narrow your choices. Decide what you want before going shopping. Stores are designed to work on your indecision and your desire to please everyone.
#3. Watch your expectations and attachments. Be open to the outcome of what the holidays will be for you this year. Be careful not to compare this year with other years or with other people.
#4. Observe your created levels of stress. We all create our own tension. Do a daily check-in on how much you are really enjoying yourself. Are you having fun? Are you doing too much?
#5.Value and evaluate the quality of time spent with close friends and family.
“Presence” vs. “Presents”
Spend time with those you love and care for.
You don’t have to buy everyone – everything.
Or, for that matter, anyone – anything.
Your Presence is always enough.
Have a wonderful holiday. I look forward to working with you.