Mercury Retrograde In Gemini

Mercury Retrograde May 6th, 2009

The problem with communication…

Is the illusion that it has been accomplished.

~George Bernard Shaw

Our fastest moving planet, Mercury, is going Retrograde Wednesday, May 6th, in the sign of Gemini until May 30th, 2009. Mercury is our planet associated with communication, everyday mental activity, and movement. Mercury goes into Retrograde about three times a year. It will also move back into the sign of Taurus on May 13th, giving us two planetary energies to experience.

A retrograde planet (when viewed from the earth) “appears” to have stopped and is moving backward through the sky. Then, after some time, the planet goes “direct” and is back on its standard cyclic path—every planet retrogrades except the Sun and the Moon.

When Mercury is retrograde, it is time to put the RE prefix before everything you do: reconfirm, rethink, renegotiate, repair, revise, redo, reconnect, reinvent, retry, etc. So we’re reexamining issues that relate to our prior Mercury Retrograde, which was January 11th – February 1st.

On the negative side, this cycle can lead to personal misunderstandings, disrupted or delayed communications, and poor negotiations. In addition, breakdowns with devices that help us with our ability to communicate can be affected, such as telephones, computers, cars, planes, and trains. Many of these problems can arise because some crucial piece of information has been miscomprehended or misunderstood.

Mercury retrograde in Gemini focuses on the blockages that occur in our essential communications, basically what you say and your opinion of any situation. It also draws attention to our siblings, close family members, neighbors, and neighborhood. In Taurus, it relates to personal values, family, and finances.

During this time with the Mercury in Gemini/Taurus, the Wisdom needed is to rethink your communication and turn your mind inward to the communication you have with yourself as a reflection of the contact you have with others in your life right now. Be cautious with your words and thoughts to others. Words have power. Are they expressing what you want to say?

Also, Mercury will retrograde in a specific part of your chart, which will tell you where the most “RE” activity is happening. You will need to have your chart done to see where this is!

I hope this was helpful.

With love and faith in the journey.



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