Current Cycles - January 2004

Current Cycles

January 9, 2004

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2004!

(Note: New Teaching Format! Click on any web addresses at the end of the paragraph below. My website is where you will receive a more in-depth article on each teaching or update.)

"Weekly" Wisdom Teachings Change! Now it is: "Wisdom Teaching."

Thank you for being so patient in receiving the teachings. I have changed the format of the teachings. The new name for the teachings is now "Wisdom Teachings." The teachings will directly be sent out in a timely manner rather than weekly. Click here for more information on the new format: The last teaching was sent out in September. If you have missed any of my teachings, you can find them on my website on the archives page at:

Wisdom Teaching – Current Cycles for January 2004

Many exciting cycles are coming this year. Yesterday was the year's first Full Moon in the sign of Cancer. Did you feel it? I sure did! Mercury went direct on Tuesday. It went retrograde on December 17, 2003. Time to move forward on your new projects and start the New Year! Mercury and Venus change signs this month, and Jupiter went retrograde on January 3. We have a New Moon on January 20 in the sign of Aquarius. Click here for the entire Wisdom Teaching #41:


New Astrology Class in Encinitas Starts!

I am now teaching an ongoing class in Encinitas, California. It will be held on Thursday evenings, twice monthly.

Click here for more information on this new class:



"Wisdom Teaching Quote "

Whatever you can do,

or dream,

you can begin it.

Boldness has genius,

power and magic in it.

– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Cycle Changes March 2005


Mercury Retrograde In Virgo