Mercury Slows this May “The Retrograde Cycle!”

The California Woman

May – June 2008

Mercury Slows

This May!

A Retrograde Cycle

Things are not always as they seem; the first appearance deceives many.

-Phaedrus (Roman poet)

One of Astrology's most popular (or well-known) cycles is the Mercury Retrograde cycle. Why is that? Well, probably because it occurs about 3-4 times every year. Also, Mercury is associated with all forms of communication, information, speaking, writing, and travel. These are all essential daily activities that we participate in daily.

So what is Mercury Retrograde?

The word retrograde means "moving backward" or "retreating." The effect is similar to driving down a road and watching a moving car beside you – if it slows down or your car speeds up, the other vehicle appears to be moving backward. This is retrograde, moving backward. But, a change in speed has nothing to do with a planet going retrograde. The illusion of backward motion occurs because the angle of a planet's orbit relative to the Earth's orbit changes at specific points in its retrospective cycle and appears to be going backward!

What can I do during this cycle?

Because the primary impetus in my work is to empower my clients with astrological understanding, I always try to explain that Mercury's retrograde cycles are a time to "internalize" all types of communication matters. It is not a time to worry too much about the "outward" communication or its effect but rather how we internalize what is happening. I also add that it is vital during this cycle to pay more attention to what is happening and not what we might want to happen to receive the wisdom of this cycle. This is because Mercury has to do with communication. Because we all have different lenses of perception, we must filter and communicate clearly to understand someone else's message. Also, Mercury is neutral energy, which means it is neither positive nor negative. Its communications are not intended to be taken personally.

How does this work?

Mercury is information that is communicated or transmitted to someone. It is neutral information. For example, I might say to someone, "The Sun is high in the sky today." That is a statement of information that I have communicated to you. It is a fact. There are no feelings or personal ideas in that sentence.

Personal perception is not connected to Mercury; it is related to another planetary body, the Moon. Unlike Mercury, the Moon represents the subjective, emotional, or subconscious mind. A more profound sense of our personality or a more personal part of us is expressed through the Moon. How we "feel" about something and our personal experience is connected to the Moon. If I say," The Sun is high in the sky today," you might have a feeling about that. For example, you might reply, "It feels like it will be hot; I don't like the Sun," etc. etc. But those feelings are not Mercury; that is the Moon.

What is interesting is that Mercury and the Moon often oppose each other. They may not always be friends. What we think (Mercury) and how we feel about it (Moon) are not always working with one another. So during a Mercury Retrograde, we might be thinking one thing and feeling another. That great saying comes from, "Things aren't always as they seem." This is especially true during a Mercury Retrograde cycle.

Mercury will retrograde three times this year,

  1. Jan 28 – Feb 18 (Aquarius)

  2. May 26 – Jun 19 (Gemini)

  3. Sep 24 – Oct 15 (Libra)

If you have planets in Gemini, this May 26 retrograde will be sure to impact you; check your chart to see where and how.

My Best Advice

What is happening if things aren't always what they seem or appear to be? A Mercury retrograde cycle is asking us to communicate more, not less. So - find out what is happening. Don't go with what you feel about what is happening (Moon); ask questions and get information (Mercury). Mercury is the messenger of the gods. Just the facts, please, get the facts!

Reference The California Woman at: for a Free Chart (not an interpretation) or call 760-815-3754.


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